Macron targeted by tomato barrage in first outing after winning French presidency – IOTW Report

Macron targeted by tomato barrage in first outing after winning French presidency


French President Emanuel Macron on Wednesday was targeted by a barrage of cherry tomatoes during his first outing since winning reelection on Sunday against Marine Le Pen.

Macron was talking to a crowd in a market in Cergy, France, when someone threw a handful of tomatoes at him, as shown on video from French outlet BFMTV.

The president dodged the tomatoes, which ended up hitting someone else in the crowd.

His security detail used a $10,500 Kevlar umbrella to shield the president from further attacks, The Telegraph reported.

Macron appeared calm after the incident, as he quickly moved out from under the umbrella. WATCH

14 Comments on Macron targeted by tomato barrage in first outing after winning French presidency

  1. What? The thrower (may he never be caught) couldn’t use full sized beefsteak tomatoes?

  2. Macron (the Jupiter wannabe) fancies he will ride NATO against the Russian Bear to become infamous.

    Do you suppose Putin would demur using hypersonic missiles to throw tomatoes instead?!?

    Yes, I do believe Macron, Ursula, Boris, Justene and of course Shitpants et al ARE THAT STUPID!!

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