Why does the N-word-using anti-Semitic Karl Marx get immunity from “cancel culture”? – IOTW Report

Why does the N-word-using anti-Semitic Karl Marx get immunity from “cancel culture”?

9 Comments on Why does the N-word-using anti-Semitic Karl Marx get immunity from “cancel culture”?

  1. Because Marxist lizard people use whoever they can dupe into believing their commie garbage until they are of no use anymore then they get tossed aside and trampled.

  2. They will tell you ‘you can’t judge a man in context out of his time’ but when you use that to defend Jefferson or Shakespear oh how that won’t work.

    The first step in becoming a leftist is to sell your soul for you have to be willing to wage war on the truth 24/7, 365.

  3. The term ‘anti-semitic’ also includes and refers to ‘anti-arab’, cousins who are part of that area of the world. That ‘standard’ thing is all bogus and a laughable (continued) excuse to engage in the evils of the world.


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