Joe Biden on Busing in 1977 doesn’t sound like debate-Joe – IOTW Report

Joe Biden on Busing in 1977 doesn’t sound like debate-Joe

16 Comments on Joe Biden on Busing in 1977 doesn’t sound like debate-Joe

  1. Harris should hammer him for working with Senator Bryd who was a Grand Klegal of the KKK.

    That would be smashing. She would not have to lie or twist facts or anything.

  2. I’m still sick of this shit up to my eyeballs:
    Biden, back then, had an Al Sharpton hair style, should have had a pigtail with a little bow on it. Harris, on the other hand, did better job sucking on Willie Brown’s brown willie, to advance her career, than she is doing on her seat in the United States Senate. Phuckemall!
    Go Trump in 2020/2024 KAG!

  3. I was bussed in 1979 to make a black school more white. Split from the majority of kids that grew up with. I was going to go to a fairly brand new school just down the road but attended one that was run down and old in a questionable neighborhood across town. The saving grace was it had 3 awesome art teachers. Should I sell t shirts of myself in the iOTW store?

  4. Biden can’t remember what he said at the debate, much less 42 yrs ago. A good liar has to have a good memory. Sleepy, Creepy Uncle Joe has forgotten a lot. It’s finally caught up to him.

  5. No Blushes. Wow, I never thought. But he’s an asshole through and through. His Treatment of Clarence Thomas, along with Lyon Kennedy, the swimmer. just turned me off years ago. He’s a stupid man but he has the ability to bullshit people who know so little about anything.

  6. WEll, if l’il negroes sit by white kids they’sll just asorb smarterness and git smarter!
    aktully, is kinda insulting
    but gittin lected is more important than not gittin lected!

  7. Biden’s been a Jackass for his entire career and I’d bet a good steak dinner that he was a Jackass dullard in school and college as well. He’s not smart enough to learn how to be a Jackass. The sumbitch wuz born that way!


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