Joe Biden Sets His Sights on Little Girl as Soon as He Arrives in Germany – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Sets His Sights on Little Girl as Soon as He Arrives in Germany

Joe Biden on Saturday traveled to Munich, Germany to meet with G7 leaders and NATO allies. Biden set his sights on a young girl as soon as he deplaned. Biden asked her how old she was.

15 Comments on Joe Biden Sets His Sights on Little Girl as Soon as He Arrives in Germany

  1. You’d think by now Joe’s handlers would have learned to sweep the venues before he arrives just to remove these kinds of distractions. Obviously, they’re just as brain-dead as he is.

  2. I don’t know why he always asks their age. No female is too young for him to sniff.

    I guess his old whanger doesn’t work so good anymore, so his nose is now his sexual organ. Yeah, creepy.

  3. ok – I think dementia Joe is a weirdo creep about young girls, but he did not exactly beeline to her. The little girl was part of an entourage waiting for him at the bottom of the steps.

    Why on earth, at this point in his fake presidency, anybody would put a little girl in harm’s way with a known weirdo creep, I can’t fathom.

  4. Who is America’s oldest pedo? Jeff Epsteins bestest bud. Ye ole crotch grabber. Just loved diddling 13 yr olds. Loved taken pictures with his daughter given him a lap dance.

  5. Cynic
    JUNE 26, 2022 AT 4:28 PM
    “Slow Joe: “How do you say ‘Do you want to come see the puppy I have on Air Force One?’” in German?”

    …tell Pedo Joe to sat this…

    YOU say “Ich bin ein Pädophiler. Sag deinem Daddy, er soll mir jetzt ganz fest in die Hoden treten, oder ich werde dich belästigen.”


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