Joe Lies About Lacrosse – IOTW Report

Joe Lies About Lacrosse

Lacrosse is not played during football season.

Syracuse’s lacrosse season starts in February and ends in April.

Football season starts in September and ends by January.

There is a month gap that would allow one to play on the lacrosse team.

Jim Brown played football and lacrosse AT SYRACUSE!!!

HT/ WillysGoatGruff

14 Comments on Joe Lies About Lacrosse

  1. He may have one functioning brain cell. Everything he says, according to him, is correct, and factual according to his one brain cell. Objectively he is not even on the same planet.

  2. The Pedos insecurities and self hate are so manifestly a part of his cowardly psyche he is compelled to lie every single time he opens his mouth.

    He is such a self aggrandizing buffoon it would almost be sad if it did not have such serious implications for America.

    He will no longer be in office six months from now. Then the imbecilic retarded communist child will be in charge until Manchelle’s preimminately lazy ass can be coronated.

    May the Lord of Hosts save and protect this country from the manifest evil that the Uniparty causes…

  3. Late NFL great Jim Brown was a double letter athlete at Syracuse–football in the fall and lacrosse in the spring. Jim Brown was one of Long Island’s greatest lacrosse players and played back in the day where we played with wooden sticks that hurt like hell when you got checked by one.
    Pudding Brain probably never saw a lacrosse stick in Scranton or Wilmington because the two areas of the US who played lacrosse back then were Baltimore and Long Island.

  4. govlawyer, Only saw one lacrosse game on Long Island and that was at the Old Nassau Coliseum on the floor (minus ICE) where the Islanders played ice hockey. Very rough game. A lacrosse ball came flying into the stands in front of me and one man actually fought his acquaintance for the ball and scratched up his arm to retrieve it .

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