Joeflation Still Running Hot – IOTW Report

Joeflation Still Running Hot


Consumer prices in the United States picked up last month, a sign that inflation remains a persistent challenge for the Federal Reserve and for President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, both of which are counting on a steady easing of price pressures this year.

Prices rose 0.4% from January to February, higher than the previous month’s figure of 0.3%, the Labor Department said Tuesday. Compared with a year earlier, consumer prices rose 3.2% last month, above January’s 3.1% annual pace. More

9 Comments on Joeflation Still Running Hot

  1. Except for food, fuel, transportation, clothes, housing, utilities, taxes, vehicle registration, entertainment, personal care items, personal care services, medical and dental care, things couldn’t be better. No lie!


  2. 3.2% of a 17% rise over the last 3 years is not a reduction in inflation.

    Just like when every one of those fuckers in DC claim that a 3% tax increase instead of a 5% tax increase is a tax cut.

    If Putin or Xi asked, I would gladly send the DC coordinates if they need them. But all the assholes in DC have already given all our information away, so I don’t think I will be needed.

  3. Part of “The Plan.”
    Not a “challenge” to the Pedophile Usurper of the Fed.

    $Trillions of debt.
    $Trillions of deficit.
    And Hundreds of $Trillions of unfunded liabilities.

    How could it be otherwise?
    Might want to organize into armed and trained self-defense cells of 5 to 10 guys.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Not a “challenge” to the Pedophile Usurper of the Fed.”
    Should read:
    “Not a “challenge” to the Pedophile Usurper or the Fed.”

    Sorry bout that.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If they were being truthful, it would cause a bigger problem to them in many areas for increases in liabilities. All the social programs alone are tied to the inflation numbers.
    The world wide paper currency’s backed by the governments word and not gold has come to the end of the road and they know full well. Thank you Richard Nixon.
    The only thing holding this sinking ship together, is peoples faith in the paper dollar which is about to go away.
    Nobody that knows what’s going on thinks that the trillions and trillions of dollars are going to be repaid, it’s not.
    The collapse is near. Paper will be worthless, goods and services can have great value.
    Ponzi schemes always come to an end with the little guy holding the empty bag.


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