John Bolton Honors Bay of Pigs Freedom Fighters – IOTW Report

John Bolton Honors Bay of Pigs Freedom Fighters

The same ones who Obama apologized for.

FPM:“It is an honor to address you all today. I am delighted to be here in Miami among such brave and distinguished company. Our nation and this region are forever in debt to you.” – John Bolton to the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association on April 17, 2019, the 58th anniversary of the Bay of Pigs freedom fight.

I’m grateful that President Ortega did not blame me for things [the Bay of Pigs freedom fight] that happened when I was three months oldWe are not dug into policies that were formulated before I was born.” – an abject President Obama groveling to Communist/drug-trafficking/ terror-sponsors Daniel Ortega, Hugo Chavez and Raul Castro at the Summit of the Americas in 2009 during his famous “apology tour.”

But one craven, sniveling apology to the terror-sponsoring mass-murderers whose lifelong craving was to nuke his country wasn’t enough for President Obama. Hence: The Bay of Pigs took place the year that I was born. I know the history, but I refuse to be trapped by it…I have come here to bury the last remnant of the Cold War in the Americas. – a groveling President Obama again apologizing to Raul Castro, this time in April 2016 in Havana, after releasing Castro’s convicted spies and meekly succumbing to Castro’s every demand.

After his gracious opening remarks, national Security Advisor John Bolton went much further: “Each of you witnessed the horrors of socialism and communism. Today, we honor the 58th Anniversary of your extraordinary valor and sacrifice…The United States will never forget the sacrifices you and your brothers in arms made on those hallowed beaches (Bay of Pigs) nearly six decades ago.”  more

5 Comments on John Bolton Honors Bay of Pigs Freedom Fighters

  1. @ the BabaluBlog – THANK YOU FOR YOU COURAGE.

    To the Moostache? KEEP.IT.UP.

    FUCK CHE-eesy. The easy going reading MURDERER who got it in the end like a good DEAD RED.

    FUCK you all you commie fascists prick assholes. You’re all the same anti American Clock-sessers.

    Now I can go to bed in peace, especially with The Who playing in the backround.


  2. The Kennedy Brothers betrayed the Cuban Freedom Fighters by not sending in the promised aerial support that would have destroyed Castro’s forces at the Bay of Pigs. This led to the Cuban Missle Crisis and decades of Cuban citizens being oppressed and impoverished.


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