John Cleese Did An Oopsie – IOTW Report

John Cleese Did An Oopsie

He dared question the diversity gods.

10 Comments on John Cleese Did An Oopsie

  1. So when your streets are covered with feces and you have people stabbed with kitchen knives daily walking to work or worse, having acid thrown on them you at least can proudly claim you are diverse. Exactly why the celebs and wealthy live in all white areas. They never get the perks of their diversity they so love and can prattle on about how the cost of diversity is worthwhile mostly because they don’t pay it.

  2. I used to really like Cleese and the gang but he’s given some ugly rants in the past that showed what a pc jerk he was so he can go to hell.
    Now he’s moved to one of the Virgin Islands and begins fawning about how wonderful it is to be among so many blacks.
    Check out for yourself the V.I. violent crime statistics.
    London? you’d stand a better chance of surviving a basketball game in a Beirut mine field.

  3. They don’t call it Londonistan without a reason. It’s the epicenter of the decline and fall of Western Civilization. It’s almost unrecognizable in some areas.

  4. actually Cleese is in the BVI British Virgin Islands. It is a well-run, well-governed place. They work hard to keep the BVI attractive to tourism.

    In contrast, the American Virgin Islands are a Third World Shithole, filled with uppity racist illegal immigrants from Trinidad & Tobago.


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