John Conyers taken to hospital – IOTW Report

John Conyers taken to hospital

And he won’t be running for re-election:

Report: Rep. John Conyers Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

DETROIT (AP) — The Latest on allegations of sexual misconduct against Rep. John Conyers (all times local):


9:55 a.m.

A political consultant says U.S. Rep. John Conyers has been hospitalized in Detroit.

Sam Riddle said Thursday he spoke to Conyers’ wife, Monica Conyers. Riddle says he doesn’t know why the Democrat congressman was hospitalized or his condition.

He declined to name the hospital.    read more

27 Comments on John Conyers taken to hospital

  1. Next time he’ll take the Viagra warnings against 4 hour erections seriously! I hope he didn’t break his stem–think of the saddened interns in his office who he can’t give his traditional Xmas bonus to if he did! {sarcasm intended}

  2. @flip. Confirmed. Pelosi reverses herself and says scumbag should resign (after he seems to have had a stress heart attack)

    NEW TACTIC FOR TERM-LIMITS! Go into the nursing home, known as the U.S. Senate, and start making life difficult for them. At their age, the stress will kill them inside 2 weeks.

    I say, Trump should make the Senate work past 3 PM, since nap time and dinner is around 3:30. See how long they last.

  3. Total horseshit — this is just a pity ploy… who wants to force a sick guy out??
    Fresh out of pity — dittoes for McCain.

    McCain — vote for the tax bill and then get the hell out !

  4. “Oh geez! My leg! My old football injury!”

    “I thought it was your right leg?”

    “Yes, the right leg….the pain is so bad it goes all the way to my left leg too. I guess I better step down from Congress!–bye!”

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