John Kasich Wins Ohio, Donald Trump Takes Florida – IOTW Report

John Kasich Wins Ohio, Donald Trump Takes Florida

Trading winner-take-all states, John Kasich has won his first contest after over 20 have come and gone. Donald Trump has taken Florida, causing Marco Rubio to drop out.
kasich trump argue

17 Comments on John Kasich Wins Ohio, Donald Trump Takes Florida

  1. Kasich is a stalking horse…he’s not even on the ballots in most of the state primaries after today!

    Great job John, you played your splitter role perfectly, now go away so the real candidate can be decided!

  2. Yes, George Clooney, Johnny Depp, Cassius Clay, Diane Sawyer, and Jennifer Lawrence all hail from the 15th state, the Bluegrass State.
    OK, forget that.

    The state with the greatest two minutes in sports!

    That’s my motto for the ladies:
    The greatest two minutes in your shorts…

  3. Rubio actually did better in Florida than I expected and Cruz did worse. Yes, it will be interesting to see where Rubio’s supporters (and delegates) go. Even though he dropped out, he’s still in 3rd place ahead of Kasich in the delegate count.

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