John Kerry: Iran Doesn’t Want To ‘Wipe [Israel] Off The Map’ – IOTW Report

John Kerry: Iran Doesn’t Want To ‘Wipe [Israel] Off The Map’

Daily Caller-

John Kerry told The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg that he doesn’t believe Iran wants to “wipe [Israel] off the map.”

Kerry said that President Obama’s proposed nuclear deal with Iran “is as pro-Israel, as pro-Israel’s security, as it gets.” The Secretary of State claimed he has reviewed the deal “backwards and forwards a hundred times… and I believe that just saying no to this is, in fact, reckless.”

Kerry also rejected the idea that Iranian leaders are actively seeking the destruction of the Jewish state, a popular belief among many Israelis.

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18 Comments on John Kerry: Iran Doesn’t Want To ‘Wipe [Israel] Off The Map’

  1. Kerry said that President Obama’s proposed nuclear deal with Iran “is as pro-Israel, as pro-Israel’s security, as it gets.”…for Obama.


    This, from the same fag who said Iran has no concrete plans when it chants Death To America! and Death To Israel.

    May he be run over by a gay, crippled, illegal muzzie and thereby help protect this country.

  2. Kerry is such a fucking liar. Did anyone catch Obola lying his ass off about the Iran “deal?” He claimed the “deal” prohibited Iran from having a Heavy Water Reactor for 10 years!

    Don’t need enriched Uranium for a Heavy Water Reactor!
    Heavy Water Reactors use natural Uranium, which is why the Canadians generate power, thus.

    So, why would Iran Give A Fuck?

    It’s all smoke and mirrors to lift the Caliphate and destroy Israel, and possibly, America, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, …

  3. Funny Hussein should mention that the treaty is a ten year treaty. History tells us where that one will go. Just look up The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah made between Muhammad and Mecca. A treaty that he broke ONE YEAR LATER! This is the same treaty Arafat referred to whenever making treaties with Israel. They know that treaties are made to be broken and this one will be no different.

  4. Who elected John Kerry ?!

    Don’t forget it was Kerry’s 2004 DNC that introduced Obama as Keynote Speaker. How many FUs does he have to dole out before he gets what’s coming to him ??

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