Chris Pratt is facing criticism over a T-shirt he was pictured wearing featuring a controversial symbol.

The Marvel star’s top shows the American flag with a coiled snake over the top and a message underneath which reads “Don’t Tread On Me.”
The writing and snake combo on its own is depicted on the Gadsden flag; a symbol created by Christopher Gadsden, a Charleston-born brigadier general in the Continental Army.
It came to prominence during the Revolutionary War of the US by colonists who wanted independence from Great Britain.
Although it is one of the symbols and flags used by the U.S. Men’s Soccer Team, Metallica, as well as some libertarian groups, over the years the flag has been adopted by Far Right political groups like the Tea Party, as well as gun-toting supporters of the Second Amendment.
It has therefore become a symbol of more conservative and far right individuals and, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the US, it also is “sometimes interpreted to convey racially-tinged messages in some contexts.”
It’s why some people are critical of Pratt wearing a T-shirt featuring the Gadsden flag iconography.
Many have posted their feelings about it on Twitter.
This is when Yahoo trawls Twitter and pulls tweets from shitstain Jack Nobodies with 10 followers who echo these “journalist’s” words, verifying, indisputably, their asinine views.
As one commenter said, “welcome to ‘journalism’ 2019.”
There should be a penalty for “attempted journalism”. 30 days of watching only the weather channel.
My wife is a lofotainment expert, a legal immigrant, and Trump’s first supporter. She always tells me to go to the comments, because they NEVER align with the narrative. I scrolled through the top thirty, and sure enough, none of them agree with Yahoo news.
Does that mean I can kick anyone wearing a Che Guevara tee shirt right in their cunt-bone?
@ Thirdtwin JULY 17, 2019 AT 11:13 AM
The comments section is where the truth is to be found. FAKE news knows this and spend an inordinate amount of time censoring the comments sections now.
Yes, Anon. Yes it does.😉
We pay extra to have a customized yellow Gadsen flag license plate on one of our vehicles – so that makes us white supremacists with a controversial symbol?! What now they go to the state of Texas and demand that we not be able to purchase such a plate? We’d already started returning any negative feedback with the okay sign. Didn’t realize how right we were.
Far right….far right….far right…How many times can they say far right in a short story? Better far right than commie left.
Yahoo News went from fairly centrist to pretty extreme left after Verizon bought them. No idea why. The commenters run the gamut but conservatives are well represented, and as Thirdtwin and JDHasty noted usually give the real story.
“…according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the US, it also is “sometimes interpreted to convey racially-tinged messages in some contexts.”
By whom????? The US flag is “sometimes interpreted”. As racist, as we have seen recently. So what?
My wife and I recently bought matching Gadsden flag t-shirts in the gift shop of the American Independence Museum in Exeter, NH.
Does that make us racists?
Excuse me, but what the hell is the:
“Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the US” doing even commenting on this? They’re supposed to be enforcing civil rights laws although I put it to you there is no rampant discrimination in the workplace any longer and this place ought to be closed down especially if they’re jumping into something well beyond it’s brief.
Yahoo has to realize that the American citizenship is much larger and patriotic than just some middle aged losers in their underwear hanging out in mom and dad’s basement.
By my observations, there are only a handful of journalists in existence. The remainder fall into two camps:
1) Political advocacy, and
2) Clickbait
This is the latter.
How they avoided indicting Pratt with a punchy headline like “Parks and Reich” or “Guardian of the Gleichschaltung” I can only attribute to a lack of wit and intelligence.
I’m buying more of them. I LIKE making libtards melt. >:->
The updated article.
Update: This article was updated on 17 July with the initial headline, ’Chris Pratt criticised for ‘white supremacist’ T-shirt’ being amended to ‘Chris Pratt criticised for T-shirt choice.’ References to White Supremacism in this article have been removed.