Journalist With Flop Bombshell Says He Believes Trump Might Have Sent Him the Tax Returns – IOTW Report

Journalist With Flop Bombshell Says He Believes Trump Might Have Sent Him the Tax Returns

Which is worse?

Speculating that you’ve been bitch-slapped by president Trump, or bitch-slapping yourself to try and make it look like you haven’t been bitch-slapped by Trump?

David Cay Johnston says he “found Trump’s 2005 taxes in his mailbox.”

It wasn’t until after the monumental embarrassment of the collective world yawn, in response to this moron’s “scoop of the century,” that he wonders if it was Trump himself who sent him the taxes.

“Donald has a long history of leaking material about himself when he thinks it’s in his interest,” Johnston said.

Well, if he did, he picked the right fish, didn’t he?

He’s trying to save face, and in the process he’s making himself look like a swirling turd.

What a jackass.

29 Comments on Journalist With Flop Bombshell Says He Believes Trump Might Have Sent Him the Tax Returns

  1. It sure appeared last night and this morning that all were in a state of shock from Mr. Maddow’s big FAIL. But…why the surprise? She’s always been a smirking asshole. Have any of you tried to endure watching her show? I can’t click past that station fast enough.

  2. Just do it President Trump and make them explode. Invite Putin to the White House. Chairman Xi from Beijing is coming to Florida, according to reports, in April. Enough is enough. Just keep Erdomuzz from Ankara away.

  3. Moved from elsewhere. It fits better here.

    “Just one more question, Ms. Maddow, if you don’t mind.”

    “Anything for you, Detective Columbo. Just ask.”

    “Thank you. Now I really feel silly for asking this, but it’s been bugging me since last night. Naaah, it’s just crazy. Forget it.”

    “Nonsense, Detective, what is it?”

    “Well it occurred to me that you showed the President’s tax return without disclosing beforehand what specific documents you were going to show, yet the President was able to release the exact same information you had, and he did it before you. That’s the craziest thing, isn’t it?”

    “Detective, I just realized that I’m late for an important meeting. Will you excuse me?”

    Certainly, m’am. I am truly sorry to bother you with this.”

  4. “Come to think of it – BOTH his hands were on my shoulders!”
    (Johnston – you can call him Cay, or you can call him Jay, but you doesn’t has to call him “Johnston!”)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Dave, you really, really screwed up this time. In fact, you screwed up so badly you’ll never recover from your failure. Rather than face a future of joblessness, cheap booze, sleeping rough, and selling your favors for the price of a bottle of cheap fortified wine, why not save yourself all that pain and simply end it all now. You know you want to, and all your ex-friends want you to, also.

  6. I heard Johnston on a talk show saying that Trump doesn’t know anything. Evidently Trump knows how to rope-a-dope Johnston and the MSM. The “client copy” stamp on the tax return is what is called a clue, Sherlock.

  7. Apart from scoring on Maddow and this guy Trump accomplished something pretty major last night (assuming he was responsible for the “leak”). Going forward all these journalists who receive anonymous material are going to actually have to work to verify the information to determine whether it’s true and if possible who it came from. Even then, they will have to consider whether Trump is setting them up and that will make them and their news organizations nervous. In the meantime Trump’s staff can continue to track down the leakers.

  8. Jerry ‘Geraldo’ Rivers & the opening of Al Capone’s safe
    Telly Savalas & the opening of the Titanic safe
    now ….
    Rachel Madcow & DayCay Johnston & the opening of Trump’s tax returns

    … I’m sure they’re working feverishly on Barky Obola’s college transcripts at this very moment!

  9. come to think of it … a great gif would be Madcow as Kevin Bacon in ‘Animal House’, bent over & crying “Thank you, sir. May I have another?” & Trump as Doug Deidermeyer, grinning like the cat that ate the canary, administering another paddling.

  10. Johnston has a Pulitzer Prize for distinguished fiction (?)
    Madcow is a “Roads” scholar.
    Trump ran for President “as a joke.”

    Even though Madcow’s facial expressions are hard to take I enjoy watching her on ‘youtube Rachel Maddow,2016 “expert” election predictions.’

  11. Sorry, but I am afraid that we are required to believe the propaganda espousing fellow, after all, he did win some kind of award for shilling his propaganda at a semi-high level of competency!

  12. Trump = 3D Chess

    Media = Checkers

    – @Mr_Pinko

    Except all their pieces are red and short several of them.

    Because it’s triggering to have winners and losers and more fun to throw them at each other.

  13. Just a note:

    It’s a federal offense to use the mailbox for anything other than stamped mail.

    The feds actually own your mailbox in this sense. You’re f&*king with the Government if you’re f$^king with the mailbox in any way.

    If the mailman found you using it else-wise, you could be prosecuted if they wanted to.

    Considering it’s the President’s property we’re talking about being in that mailbox illicitly – a nice visit from the postmaster general would be nice.

  14. @ scr_north March 15, 2017 at 2:53 pm

    Cliff Notes version:

    He’s burning them so well on their lack of integrity – they’re going to have to get some integrity to stop the carnage.

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