Joy Behar Given “Warning Shot” By Fraternal Order Of Police – IOTW Report

Joy Behar Given “Warning Shot” By Fraternal Order Of Police

Daily Caller

The National Fraternal Order of Police fired back Thursday at “The View” host Joy Behar after she suggested police officers should fire warning shots before shooting suspects.

“.@joyvbehar, if you’re going to comment on police matters, have the decency to educate yourself first. You owe it to your viewers,” the organization tweeted. “Warning shots are prohibited by every agency in this country. Also, you might want to take a physics lesson… what goes up, must come down.”


23 Comments on Joy Behar Given “Warning Shot” By Fraternal Order Of Police

  1. “I’ve looked at the tape and I still can’t figure it out. Shoot the gun in the air, warning, tase a person, shoot them in the leg, shoot them in the behind. Stop them somehow,” Behar continued. “But if the only solution is to kill a teenager, there’s something wrong with this.”

    She’s right, but she isn’t capable of finding the root cause (and there are many), which can all be traced right back to the Democrat party.

  2. Yep just goes to show you can’t fix stupid. The one with the knife, I bet she was sayin something like, you goona die bitch. Too bad the cop didn’t wait a few minutes, there mighta been a 2fer.

  3. Nice reply by the National Fraternal Order of Police. They should inscribe it on a 2×4 and repeatedly bash Behar over the head with it if they want her to get a clue.

  4. Anybody that watches that show is a mental defect. She needs to be dropped off in the “Hood” and left to her own self defense theories. Then we’ll be able to piss on her grave.

  5. She’s married and therein provides a message: No matter how stupid, unattractive and obnoxious a woman is, somewhere, somehow, someway, she will find a noodle.

  6. @orestia

    “…Stupid, unattractive, obnoxious, …somehow, someway, she will still find a noodle”

    Can you PLEASE explain that to: LESLIE JONES

    She is constantly bitching about “no Good Men” etc.

    She a hole nutha level uh UGLEEE! inside & out

  7. Uncle Al

    Dead or not, if you want to piss on Joy, you are going to be standing in a long line. Please be sure to maintain six feet for proper social distancing.


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