Judge Dismisses all Charges Against 3 Extremists From New Mexico Terror Training Compound – IOTW Report

Judge Dismisses all Charges Against 3 Extremists From New Mexico Terror Training Compound

CTH: The sketchy story of the jihadist training compound in New Mexico takes yet another weird turn today.  A New Mexico judge dismissed all charges against three suspects tied to a compound where alleged Muslim extremists reportedly trained children to be school shooters.

New Mexico – District Judge Emilio Chavez on Wednesday dismissed charges against three of the five defendants, ruling that authorities violated the state’s “10-day rule.”

Child abuse charges against Lucas Morton, Subhannah Wahhaj and Hujrah Wahhaj were dropped because prosecutors missed the 10-day limit for an evidentiary hearing to establish probable cause.

The charges against fellow defendants, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and Jany Leveille, remained. The suspects are accused of holding nearly a dozen children at the compound. The remains of a twelfth child were found on the compound.  more here

24 Comments on Judge Dismisses all Charges Against 3 Extremists From New Mexico Terror Training Compound

  1. Anon…… it’s been my lifes mission to utterly destroy and lay waste to New Mexico.

    Now more Patriotic Americans can see that it’s their holy mission as well.


  2. I can only assume that either the police fucked up the arrest or the evidence handling and/or no one in the compound is willing to testify against anyone else. So, the prosecution passed for now until they could possibly put together a more winnable case. The no snitch rule is an extremely powerful weapon against prosecuting criminals in the US. Pretty amazing given how fucked you can be if you happen to be linked to Trump.

    Another possibility is that this is some bullshit fed operation and they bigfooted the locals.

  3. What the Hell?!?
    Why doesn’t the court go all out to make these wonderful citizens, who’ve been inconvenienced, comfortable and supply them with stocked fridges, big screen TVs and nice cushy La-Z-Boy recliners?

  4. You are witness to the construction of Hell On Earth for America. The country is crawling with enemies within. You can thank Obama for this gift which will keep on giving until the end of America as you’ve know it.

  5. “…ruling that authorities violated the state’s “10-day rule.”

    It’s almost as if the Feds leaned on the locals to forget about that rule for a few days.

    BTW, Where is Jesus Campos these days?

  6. Judge is a queer activist. They supplied him with young molestables.

    Time to play Where’s Waldo with Sessions again. This is a terrorism case not a child protective services one.

    They had terrorist plans labeled “Phase I Of Terrorist Attack” for fuck’s sake.

  7. Isn’t this place that a dead child was found? And, poof, nothing to see here folks- everyone just go home and work on your school mass shooting drills.

    What is this world coming to?

  8. Why isn’t this a federal case? Crossed state lines. Illegal alien. Dead child. Terrorism materials on thumb drive. Weapons.

    There have been 3 judges on this case. The first lib recused herself (apparently there were death threats). Then there’s a bit of entanglement between DA Gallegos (who didn’t bother to show up today) and the 2nd Judge Chavez.

    Seems they use the crooked DOJ rule book.


  9. I’m sorry, but I’m terribly confused by all of this…
    How was this even approved? I know that the Judge is a ‘judge’ and all, but aren’t there federal laws and such to prevent this kind of thing from happening? This kind of bias is unheard of and certainly can’t be legal.


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