Judge finds defrocked Cardinal McCarrick not competent to stand trial in sex abuse case – IOTW Report

Judge finds defrocked Cardinal McCarrick not competent to stand trial in sex abuse case

JTN: A Massachusetts judge on Wednesday found a defrocked Roman Catholic cardinal not competent to stand trial in a sex abuse case.

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick – formerly of the church’s Washington, D.C., dioceses – was charged with sexually assaulting a teenage boy in Massachusetts decades ago, according to ABC News.  more

9 Comments on Judge finds defrocked Cardinal McCarrick not competent to stand trial in sex abuse case

  1. I have tried, four or five times, to comment here with some clever, pithy note and then erased it… This is so tragic and sad, for him and his accuser(s) and the whole structure of the Church and our faith that I can’t even…

    Suffice it to say, if I were in my 90’s and had spent a career that was supposed to be that close to God, and someone was accusing me of something so vile, of which I was innocent, I (and my loyal handlers, if I’m too ditsy-dotsy) would say: Bring it on! Wheel me into the courtroom and let the truth will out! What the EFF else do you (or your handlers) have to do at that age and at that station in life? Unless you are guilty… Cardinal McC is passing up martyrdom and sainthood because what…?

  2. he’s part of the demonic communist homosexual atheist infiltration of the Church of the mid 20th century. it can’t and won’t destroy the Church, no matter how hard the demons cheer. McCarrick can’t escape judgement.


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