Judicial Watch Wants Sen. Cory Booker To Receive His ‘Just Deserts’ – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Wants Sen. Cory Booker To Receive His ‘Just Deserts’

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) admitted to violating Senate rules during the Kavanaugh hearing. Judicial Watch hand delivered a formal letter to the Senate Ethics Committee demanding he be investigated and punished. More

9 Comments on Judicial Watch Wants Sen. Cory Booker To Receive His ‘Just Deserts’

  1. I laugh at anyone who still thinks that justice is blind.

    Hasn’t Juducial watch learned that any leftist is Teflon coated? The list of criminal activities by the left is ludicrously endless, and they are STILL walking about dropping spores of evil, which are spreading throughout the country. The don’t even bother to hide their criminality, they proudly shout it and declare, “I’m Spartacus!”

    What a freaking joke congress has become. What a freaking joke justice has become. No wonder Freak Shows and The Circus are dead; they have been out done by the clown show called congress.

    Anyone who doesn’t vote these rich, self-privileged, icee undated gas bags out of office, deserves Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and the chief fraud and faux human being, obamination.

  2. Deplorable B Woodman
    SEPTEMBER 14, 2018 AT 6:14 AM
    Just keep calling him that, and watch him have a melt down.

    If only that were possible. They possess the same ability for shame as narcissistic psychopaths, ZERO.

  3. If Comey can let clinton off the hook on the strength of “intentions”, then why can’t Judicial Watch press for punishment (despite the fact that the info had been clear for release)? Booker’s intentions were to break the Senate rules.


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