Judiciary Democrat Lofgren (CA): House Impeaching Trump Not a ‘Foregone Conclusion’ – IOTW Report

Judiciary Democrat Lofgren (CA): House Impeaching Trump Not a ‘Foregone Conclusion’

Breitbart: On Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “State of the Union,” Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) said the House’s impeachment of President Donald Trump was not a “foregone conclusion.”

Lofgren said, “I think the evidence that is being presented to us by the Intelligence Committee really focuses on the Ukraine matter, so as well as the obstruction. If we do articles— and that’s not a foregone conclusion— that would be the central thrust, I would assume.”

She continued, “Here is the question, it is in the Constitution treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors, that is the cause for impeachment. And there is meaning to all of those terms. And that is what our hearing this week will be about. What does the constitution mean when it says that? I’ve got a report from the Nixon impeachment that goes into the history on that. It is on my website if anyone wants to read it. And the question is, should that misconduct result in impeachment?” read more

8 Comments on Judiciary Democrat Lofgren (CA): House Impeaching Trump Not a ‘Foregone Conclusion’

  1. verbal diarrhea from a weaselcrat … either Trump committed ‘high crimes & misdemeanors’ or he didn’t

    how long must the business of the United States be held up by the obstifucations & bloviations of the US Congress???

    come the 2020 elections fire all of these asswipes … they only represent themselves & their masters … certainly not we, the people

  2. “We need to sort through the severity, the risk to the Constitution, the risk to our national security that the president’s actions pose,” Lofgren added. “It is not just misconduct. I mean, there’s plenty of misconduct in the history of the United States among presidents, but it’s not all impeachable.”

    Translation: We’ve got NOTHING!

  3. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ December 1, 2019 at 11:08 pm

    > come the 2020 elections fire all of these asswipes … they only represent themselves & their masters

    come the 2020 elections, retire (with public pensions) all of these asswipes … and replace them with those chosen by themselves & their masters

  4. The Constitution doesn’t define “high crimes & misdemeanors”, and there has never been legislation passed which specifically defines them, so they mean anything Congress decides they do.

  5. The Democrats are going all in on the hope that the majority of Americans will make the mistake of thinking, “Trump MUST be guilty of… something. They wouldn’t just keep investigating him if he wasn’t. Right?”

  6. @TN Tuxedo December 2, 2019 at 5:54 am

    Oh, yeah. Fer sure. The Democrats’ voting base is gonna’ believe cops don’t just make sh!t up. (And bowties must be straightened.)

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