Just so sick of Amy Schumer – IOTW Report

Just so sick of Amy Schumer

Never before has a performer been so hyped with so very little.

I don’t hate her, I’m just saying ENOUGH.

Everywhere you turn it’s Amy Schumer. It’s like when cranberries began appearing in everything. Cranberries are fine. Do I need cranberry deodorant?


40 Comments on Just so sick of Amy Schumer

  1. I refused to see her movie, “Trainwreck,” but my daughter saw it and said it is basically a modern Cinderella story. Instead of a scullery maid meeting her handsome prince who is willing to overlook her lowly status and see that she is as good and kind as she is beautiful, Amy’s movie is about a slutty whore is also a drunk and an idiot. In Amy’s movie, her handsome prince is willing to overlook all these facts, plus the fact that she is chunky and unattractive. Oh, and also, not really very funny. Quite the fairly tale. Probably the fairy tale Amy tells herself all the time.

  2. Roseanne—> Rosie O’Donnell —–> Lena Dunham and now this

    You can tossing Janeane Garofalo between Roseanne and Rosie and Sarah Silverman to fill the gap between O’Donnell and Dunham.

    All the same shtick that’s rude and shocking trying to pass as funny and ends up being annoying and tasteless by the end.

  3. One of the few advantages of getting older is that you no longer feel compelled so see all the current movies (and their associated actors), follow the latest trends, listen to the latest songs, etc., etc. Because of this, I can now look at a list of so-called “celebrities” (like Amy Schumer apparently is) and not recognize a single name on the list, much less have any idea why they are on it. It really makes life a lot simpler that way.


  4. She was on Red Eye several times a while back. I’ve never found her especially funny, witty, or likeable. For whatever it’s worth, Chuck U Schumer’s her father’s second cousin. I tried watching her standup on YouTube but couldn’t take it.

  5. She started as a stand up comedienne/writer and because she’s willing to do just about anything freaky, Schumer got the attention of the Hollywood elite. Long story short, another unattractive, feminist, leftist troll becomes a star. Someone an assortment of ordinary leftist trolls can admire.

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