Justice Dems Co-Founder: DSCC ‘Racist’ for Focusing on Candidates’ Wealth – IOTW Report

Justice Dems Co-Founder: DSCC ‘Racist’ for Focusing on Candidates’ Wealth


Justice Democrats co-founder Cenk Uygur claimed during a recent interview that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee was “racist” because of its focus on the wealth of Senate candidates during the recruitment process.

Uygur, the main host of The Young Turks, a progressive news network, was speaking with North Carolina state senator and Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Erica Smith when he addressed the national Democratic Party’s influence in primaries for House and Senate races.

“Sen. Smith, the reporting seems to indicate that the national Democratic Party is concerned about your fundraising ability, that you’re not rich enough and you don’t know enough rich people,” Uygur said. “This is what they do all across the country and they’re obsessed with money. They think that’s the only thing that matters, but isn’t that in a sense racist?” read more

5 Comments on Justice Dems Co-Founder: DSCC ‘Racist’ for Focusing on Candidates’ Wealth

  1. Uygur semms to be a very sick man, as is everyone associated with him.

    Like every other deranged leftist with a big mouth, one only needs to look at his or her part to see they’re full of shit:

    “Young Turks” creator and host Cenk Uygur made multiple graphic and disparaging remarks about women in his early days as a blogger, including saying that women were genetically “flawed” because they don’t want to have sex often enough.

  2. Everything’s racist.

    The world is racist.

    Proven by that old saying about birds of a feather.

    Most people (or birds) always prefer to associate with their own kind (race) over association with other kinds (other races). That’s why we have the different races in spite of thousands of years of travel between the nations.

    It’s human nature, it’s genetically hardwired in the brain, it isn’t going to change.


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