Kaine: ‘The Terrorist Threat Has Decreased in Some Ways’ – IOTW Report

Kaine: ‘The Terrorist Threat Has Decreased in Some Ways’

WFB: Sen. Tim Kaine (D., Va.) claimed at Tuesday’s debate that the terrorist threat around the world has decreased, despite recent dire warnings about what the world faces from violent extremists from Obama administration members.

“Do you think the world today is a safer or more dangerous place than it was eight years ago? Has the terrorist threat increased or decreased?” moderator Elaine Quijano asked.

“The terrorist threat has decreased in some ways, because bin Laden is dead,” Kaine said. “The terrorist threat has decreased in some ways because an Iranian nuclear weapons program has been stopped. The terrorist threat to United States troops has been decreased in some ways because there’s not 175,000 in a dangerous part of the world. There’s only 15,000. But there are other parts of the world that are challenging.

“Let me tell you this, to beat terrorism, there’s only one candidate who can do it, and it’s Hillary Clinton.   MORE

13 Comments on Kaine: ‘The Terrorist Threat Has Decreased in Some Ways’

  1. Watching that debate was painful. I would take Biden without a second thought over this guy-think about that for a moment. Of course Biden was equally disgraceful in his debate with Ryan. The big difference was the very adult performance of Pence v Ryan, who took Biden’s thrustings sans lube.

    The fucking dems are mentally ill losers-their unhinged hatred of conservatives is what unifies them. If you can stand it, check out KOS or DU this morning. Your word of the day will be delusional.

  2. That old cunt was a senator from NY when the Towers were hit on 9/11. Kaine is correct about that. He failed to add that NYC has been hit a dozen times since then in smaller attacks on the city. That includes numerous knife/hatchet attacks on NYC Police Officers as well as confirmed bombings and bombs that were discovered and didnt detonate.

    The 9/11 Compensation Act was something that ANY and EVERY politician from NYC worked on and supported. The real heavy lifting was actualy done mostly by the survivor first responders, family members, the unions, and even the medical community that affirmed the innescapable truth that so many would suffer long term medical illness from the fallout.

    I don not credit her any more than any other person for achieving it. It was their duty and obligation to deliver it. She was there for the ride and has used it to pat herself on the back over and over again as if she is a hero. Shes scum.

  3. The terrorist threat has decreased in some ways. As a direct result of Obama’s, and Hillary’s (as Secretary of State), policies and actions, the terrorism has moved into Europe and the United States.

    Less terrorism in its homeland – the Middle East and North Africa – and more terrorism in Western Countries.

    What an amazing accomplishment. I’m certain Obama and Hillary are both very proud of themselves.

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