Kamala Harris’ lunatic laughter is not only inappropriate, it should give all who hear it the willies – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris’ lunatic laughter is not only inappropriate, it should give all who hear it the willies

CanadaFreePress: Well on her way to the Democrat Appointee President, Kamala Harris has made the brilliant discovery that if you laugh, the world laughs with you— though maybe not in such a Hillary Clintonesque cackle.

“Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone;
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth,
But has trouble enough of its own.”

― Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Poems of Passion

But wouldn’t you be laughing uproariously just in knowing that while the entire non-socialist world is dissing silly Joe Biden when it’s really YOU who will be the next president?

Wouldn’t it leave you in rollicking fits of giggles if the media fawned over you for being “cool” all because you donned a pair of Timberlake Boots when assessing the damage of California’s raging fires?

A photo-op that had the owners of the property where her picture was taken were more than a trifle miffed. (Fox: California family accuses Newsom, Harris of trespassing on property for wildfire photo-op, Sept 17, 2020)

Seems that Kamala’s funny bone is ready to go off at the merest touch.

But one day after Fox News was caught protecting Monica Showalter-dubbed “Daddy Warbucks” George Soros by censoring former House Speaker Newt Gingrich for letting it out of the bag that Soros has bought dozens of District Attorneys, Sean Hannity rightfully chided Harris for her ‘out of touch’ joke about kids returning to school.

“UNITED STATES−On August 11, Alexander Soros, son of multi-millionaire, philanthropist, and founder of Open Society, George Soros, 90, endorsed Kamala Harris on Twitter for being chosen as the Democratic VP pick for the Democratic Presidential nominee, Joe Biden. (Canyon News, Aug. 16, 2020)

This is Kamala Harris in the picture laughing behind her smile.


20 Comments on Kamala Harris’ lunatic laughter is not only inappropriate, it should give all who hear it the willies

  1. Before you judge Camal’ahz laughter, consider my new song, (to the melody of, “Look What They Done to My Song:”)

    Thank God, Ruth Bader is dead now.
    Thank God, Ruth Bader is dead.
    All the blood that bled
    out of fetal headzzz,
    Is on her dirty soul now.
    Thank God, Ruth Bader is dead.

    Unborn Black Lives Matter!

  2. She doesn’t even have children to be talking about “One of the biggest dilemmas for any of us as a parent is what to do about our kids in school…” Her polluted, STD ridden womb never produced a child. She spent her fertile years riding the cock carousel for political gain.

  3. Sorry, I will not watch videos of scum. So, I’ll take the quote above about children as accurate. I despise when politicians and celebrities lecture us about the experience of the common man, the Bible, raising good children, our duties, what makes us Americans, and fiscal responsibility. Almost none of which they have any tiny moral insights in due to rank hypocrisy.

  4. I’m telling you-
    someone needs to make a recording/video out of ‘lips’ and clinton’s parsed cackles, just like they did with dog barks doing ‘Jingle Bells.’ biden could be spliced in with a few ‘c’mon man’ during the refrain.
    I’d do it, but I don’t know how. Properly done, it would be devastating for them.
    She sucks married men’s sexual organs with those cackling lips, BTW. And nice social distancing and face masks on her August 11 pic.
    If you know anyone who could make such a thing, please let them know. I’d love to see/hear it.

  5. If that video of her braying her ass off in that Amaize restaurant is a sample, her hysterical laughter in completely phony and unnerving. She seemed to be just one exhale short of actually slapping her knees and leaning on a counter to keep from falling down in mirth. Her laughter is like Biden waving to an empty field. It’s all an act, a cover, for having nothing intelligent or even helpful to add to the discourse. She’s an empty pair of skinny jeans and work boots. Another Pelosi and Clinton, without the charm.

  6. I don’t know which is worse: Kananga’s constant cackling or Mooch’s eternal scowl. Maybe they’re both reacting differently to the same absurdity of good fortune after noticeable underperformance in life.


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