Kamala Slams Jesus – IOTW Report

Kamala Slams Jesus

Kamala disrespected someone yelling “Jesus is Lord”.

h/t Dadof4

20 Comments on Kamala Slams Jesus

  1. …although in fairness an adulterous Jezebel who lusts for infanticide and tries to lead as many as she can away from the Lord is certainly TRYING to escape His rule and push Him away, but when you face His Judgement even YOU will be forced to bow and ackowledge He is Lord even of you, but only after its too late…

  2. Of course they slam Jesus and they voted God out of their platform three times in a row. What else would you expect from an evil group of politicians… forgive me, but I cannot cackle like the enfem sausage muffin. Puke my guts out….

  3. The shameful part is that she doesn’t know how shameful it is for what she said.

    Absolutely clueless… And evil.

    Thank you, Claudia and MJA for posting this!

    Let the truth be known.

  4. The filthy whore said Jussie was lynched.
    She thinks george floyd was a saint.
    She is a true imbecile.
    If hubby Doug bitch-slapped her I wouldn’t blame him…

  5. Remember when the DNC booed Jesus? I do.

    I was confronted by leftists a few days ago in my own neighborhood.

    Easy answer for me:

    I am a Christian, white, heterosexual male. Who has the DNC identified as enemy number one? Why would I ever vote for such insanity/perversity?

    Game over. Trump landslide. 100% confident.

    She’s going down like a used rubber.

  6. With the evil from the left it’s evident that lucifer is their guide. They despise we “deplorables” who worship the true King. Judgement is coming. Although they, in their arrogance, think they are the most important beings, reality will be enlightening and cruel.

  7. But your guy is soooo much better. Yep, the guy down, way down below has a special very special place reserved for him.
    His soul was sold to the devil a long long time ago. Pretty soon it will be his time to pay up.
    According to his family history, it will be coming sooner than later. Here comes da big one Lizabeth. Aw, can we start dancing yet?

  8. Despots always envy but also hate God. By denying God, the State is elevated to the highest order of authority. The State is un-accountable to any higher authority, making The State supreme.

    And as I taught a coworker in China many years ago; there has never been a benevolent entity known as The State. The State only represents the selfish interests of those in power who seek to dominate their citizens.

    The Western Left demands to rule with neither a mandate from Heaven nor a mandate from We the People. In other words Dictatorship or Tyranny. It is only now that the mask has fallen and they are brazen enough to show themselves for who they have always been.

  9. In light of that video, consider this video that she made for the Al Smith Dinner, which was yesterday. Skip to 3:48 – she cites a Bible verse, says some nice blather, then closes with ‘May God bless you, and May God bless America.’ Talk about pandering. Watch to the end to see Jim Gaffigan’s response.

    Re Have Gun’s comment – yes, in 2012 they *somehow* removed God from their platform, and when DNC realized it they asked for a voice vote to put it back. And were overwhelmingly met with noes and boos, after trying for a 3rd time, L.A. Mayor Villaigarosa, who was at the microphone asking for the vote, simple said ‘the ayes have it’, which was met with a thunder of boos. Article here:

  10. To be a leftist and a demon rat is to be in cahoots with the forces of antichrist. They don’t even hide it anymore. Extreme wantonness. Their judgement will be a horrific thing to behold. Watch it from up above if you can.

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