Karma’s a… Well, you know. – IOTW Report

Karma’s a… Well, you know.

Patriot Retort: Uh-oh. It looks like Ferret Face Adam Schiff – that rodent of a Democrat Congressmen – is about to learn the lesson that Karma’s a bitch.

After Democrat “dark money groups” – to use their favorite phrase – launched an effort to undermine Devin Nunes for trumped up “ethics violations,” it shouldn’t be a surprise to learn that two can play at that game.

Friday Judicial Watch sent a hand-delivered letter to the House Ethics Committee calling for an investigation into Schiff and his colleague Jackie Speier (D-CA).

Judicial Watch is claiming Schiff and Speier disclosed to the public that the leaked information about Mike Flynn was indeed classified.

Schiff, the Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, openly discussed the contents of the classified intercept between Flynn and the Russian Ambassador during a speech at the Brookings Institute in March. And by doing so, Schiff confirmed that the information leaked to the media was, in fact, classified information.

Speier then did the same thing in early April.

And that’s a big no-no.  read more

11 Comments on Karma’s a… Well, you know.

  1. Not one thing will come of this.
    Congress is exempt from prosecution, just like being exempt from Obamacare.
    They might send a letter of censure, big deal !
    The good ol’ boys on both sides of the aisle cover each other.

  2. You got it cato, not a damn thing will come of this, or any other crime that any of these pukes in Mordor on the Potomac commit… For those who think they are immune,(and why wouldn’t they think that) justice shall come either in this world, or in the next…

  3. It’s not like Schiff had sensitive, unauthorized National Security e-mails on his private server, forwarded secret communications to unauthorized people, deleted e-mails under subpoena, obstructed justice, lied or was involved in illegal pay to play and received contributions to his money laundering foundation.

    Certainly he would be indicted and prosecuted.
    Oh, wait, never mind.

  4. Maybe the House could get James Comey and his crack 150 FBI Agents to investigate this breach of National Security.

    Let me save Congress and the FBI time and the American Taxpayers approximately $15 Million Dollars…..

    There was no intent, Schiff was just careless.

    “Just-us” prevails, for the lawless elite again.

  5. I’m not quite as cynical about the outcome — over time — as my colleagues here. We all saw just how openly corrupt and contemptuous the obama regime was and how that affected (infected) the day-to-day operations of the Congress and all the cabinet departments. I believe, given some time, that Trump’s administration will begin to reverse this highly-permissive attitude towards illegality up and down the line. Just like the previous post about how it is taking some time for the careerists at the DoJ to start coming to grips with calling an illegal alien criminal an illegal alien criminal, it will soon be obvious once again when right is right and wrong is wrong.

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