Keith Olberdouche Calls Out Vaccine Hesitants as “Snowflakes That Are Afraid of the Vaccine”… Um.. Ya – IOTW Report

Keith Olberdouche Calls Out Vaccine Hesitants as “Snowflakes That Are Afraid of the Vaccine”… Um.. Ya

His approach seems to be shaming us into feeling like we are pussies. He even says that we are afraid of needles. lol.

43 Comments on Keith Olberdouche Calls Out Vaccine Hesitants as “Snowflakes That Are Afraid of the Vaccine”… Um.. Ya

  1. Keith Olbermann is toxically unmasculine, a product the leftist, pussified circle jerk.

    I like this quote, and it pertains to Obama, Biden and the like, and the product thereof:

    “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And weak men create hard times.”

  2. Am I afraid of the vaccine?

    Damn right I am.
    I’m afraid of anything liberals push for.

    The assholes care as much about my health as they do my financial status, which is way below ZERO.

  3. Keith, you just made the top of my list of pseudo-celebs I’d like to see in the intensive care ward with heart inflammation, screaming “it’s not the vaccine, snowflakes!”

  4. So, Keith Olberdouche just crawled out from under his litter strewn dirt pile of chipped bricks, broken glass, condoms and used syringes located in that vacant lot across from the sewage department, just to make this statement? I wonder how his emotional breakdown and anger therapy is working out?

  5. I’d get vaccinated if there was a vaccine, but there isn’t one. There are potentially deadly, experimental gene therapy shots being pawned off as vaccines, and I’m not partaking in the experiment other than being part of the control group.

  6. A guy wearing a mask to supposedly keep out a virus with a 99.6% survival rate calls others “afraid?”
    That’s pretty rich – even for a media maggot.
    Absolutely no self-awareness.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Olber McOlberFace is afraid to chide the rest of us, (U.S.,) whilst standing in the middle of a busy street. It may have been Ann Barnhardt who wrote that those who have taken the aborted baby body parts shots cannot stand the idea that others are less depraved than those who have.

  8. Approximately 100 million people refuse to take the clot shot.
    Of that 100 million – thousands of hardened soldiers who served in real conflict, brave cops who risk their lives every day to protect our communities, firefighters who run into burning buildings to save families, doctors and nurses who have witnessed tragedy up close….but this little weenie calls them cowards because they question their own health concerns as they are being forced to succumb to what is obvious fear porn/manipulation over something that is close to 100% treatable.
    And of course, this pear-shaped turd doesn’t want to know them. He’d rather gain useless, weak libtard ‘clicks’ on his little videos so he feels like more of a man.
    He’s a 62 year old child and his day of reckoning is coming.

  9. Why are people who got the jab so AFRAID of those who choose not to get it?
    Why are people who wear masks so AFRAID of those who choose not to wear them?
    None of this should be an issue for anyone … if either of them worked.

  10. Pussies, thats a little harsh, more like a bunch of little girly-boys.
    For the dumb-ass, Covid-19 causes blood clots. Afraid you funny, but…
    they hope you stay the course, novax no mask just get the coof & ….

    Deal with it, alcoholic. Seriously. How do you still have a job? lol

    That was for both olbermann and anonymous 5:18 up there.

  12. Ya know, I didn’t think I could possibly despise him any more than I did but this asinine video kicked it up a few notches for me.

    Does anyone pay ANY attention to that moron?

  13. Even after going through all the effort of stealing the last election from us, there are still those who question if the government really has our best interests in mind. Weird.

  14. Vaccine and mask Nazis are terrified. Since February 2020 they are more terrified than ever before.

    Being terrified of a illness that is mortal for less than 2% of the population is like being afraid of a mouse. I bet Olbermann would climb on a chair if he saw one.

  15. Not afraid, just not stupid.
    People who work
    at the hospitals are told not to talk about the danger- doctors and nurses don’t want to take the vax because they see what it does.
    That should tell you all you need to know.

  16. Liberals such as this guy have long been the vehicles of democrats and their collaborators since they’re known for being gullible, naive, and laughably ignorant, thus being capable of carrying forth untruths. Those who use their reasoning skills already know not to swallow or submit to any suspect poison or situation which comes along that can compromise good health and a wholesome family structure and lifestyle. Not a wonder that many on the left are sickly looking, societal rejects, unaccomplished, and fair game for hunters.

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