Kentucky Police Killed Man in His Home in Late Night Raid Apparently at Wrong Address – IOTW Report

Kentucky Police Killed Man in His Home in Late Night Raid Apparently at Wrong Address

London, Kentucky Police Killed Man in His Home in Late Night Search Warrant Raid Apparently at Wrong Address–Reportedly Over a Stolen Weed Eater

29 Comments on Kentucky Police Killed Man in His Home in Late Night Raid Apparently at Wrong Address

  1. This shit has got to stop. Enforcing a search warrant for a freakin’ weed whacker at freakin’ midnight is pure 100% abuse.

    If some well-prepared and well-trained innocent person ands up killing an entire SWAT gang at the wrong address that wouldn’t entirely be a tragedy.

  2. “This shit has got to stop.”

    It will stop when their qualified immunity is removed and the cops get criminally charged.

    It is shocking how often this occurs. With no firearms in the house, after the dog is always shot first, the residents are subdued quickly.

    Reading is hard, I can see how 511 could look like 489. At least they got the right street.

  3. I’ll be the first to say it: Most cops are low-IQ bullies who relish the idea of being “Operators” on an SF mission. Shoot first, kill anyone, and then hide behind that made up doctrine of “Qualified Immunity”.

    Why TF would they raid a home at midnight over a stolen weed-eater? My guess is that it sounds so Seal Team Sexy that the local pigs just gotta do it. What’s the point of having assault weapons if they can’t conduct assaults like real-world “Operators”?

    Make LEOs responsible to the same Rules of Engagement and the same disciplinary standards that our fighting men in combat zones are forced to adhere to. Make them responsible for violating the rights of American citizens. Above all, remove this BS concept of Qualified Immunity. What’s the point of a Constitution that limits Government if Government is immune to sanctions against violating the Constitutional rights of the citizens that said Constitution is suppose to protect?

  4. “It will stop when their qualified immunity is removed and the cops get criminally charged.”

    Your God Damn right. Make them subject to the same rules and laws as a ccw. We have an excellent Sheriffs department. Pro Gun, Pro freedom. Would I trust them out of a sound sleep at 4:00 AM. Hell NO.

    This all started with the importance of LE going home at the end of their shift safe. At all costs. Bull shit. It’s a dangerous job and killing innocent people to make sure your sorry ass goes home safe at the end of your shift ain’t cutting it.

  5. In the annals of BarneyFifedom, this will go down as the great Black & Decker raid of 2024.

    “Geez Andy, what was I supposed to do?!… When we busted down his door at 3am, he came out with a shotgun in his hand; so we had no other choice but to blow his head off. There was a possession of a weed eater at stake here! And you know how out of control the kudzu can get in April!”

  6. To make it worse the statement the police put out is insulting
    Everyone is right, this is happening far too often all over the country.
    I think a lot of this started when Obama started providing military equipment to departments.

  7. Pre-meditated murder.
    The cops planned this right down to the shots that killed an innocent.
    They should be tried, convicted, and executed for First Degree, Pre-Meditated Murder, for that is exactly what this was.

    Nothing smells right about this murder. No police dept. with any semblance of intelligence or integrity would execute a midnight swat-assault over a fukkin weed-eater.
    Something’s going on behind the curtain.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I can tell you exactly what went wrong!
    If you look up the address for 489 in Google Maps, it directly indicates the house of this victim! The fool police based their raid on where Google Maps told them to go without anyone on the force driving out ahead and confirming the address which was plainly visible facing the street next to the front door as seen in all the news video. Apparently there is a side street that uses the same name as the main road where the numbers continue as you move down that side road.
    All it would have taken was one officer to drive the road in the daylight prior to the “warrant service” and verify the address before the entire task force went busting down doors. And like anyone else living in an area like that, I’m sure police busting down a door (over the search for a missing WEED WACKER?!?!?) would prompt anyone to grab their defensive firearm in the middle of the friggin night!
    This is all well and truly 100% the fault of the London Police department and their inept Keystone Cops.

  9. A local convenience store has a large gravel parking lot. One day the owner was working at one end of the parking lot with his front end loader. A car pulled in and parked next to the store and the driver went inside. A few minutes later, just as a cop turned into the parking lot, the car burst flames. The owner seeing what was happening, scooped up the car with his loader and deposited it away from his store. The cop exited his vehicle, drew his gun and began shouting at the owner to stay away from the burning car.He was ignored by the owner as he got several buckets of dirt which he dumped on the burning car extinguishing the fire. He then parked his loader and started into his store. The cop came running up still waving his gun and yelling I was trying to save your life. The owner told him you guys watch to many movies and went into his store.
    I didn’t witness that myself but knowing the store owner for 30 years I have no problem believing it.
    The point I trying to make is cops these days have grown up watching movie cops violating people’s rights, doing mag dumps, and all kinds of other things LEO’S just shouldn’t be doing. It’s a matter of life emulating art by for the most part young people that aren’t fully mature and don’t have proper supervision.
    On top of that, LE is the ideal career for psychopaths.


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