Khan’s London: 14-Year-Old ‘Butchered’ in Knife Murder, Teen Girl Slashed in Face – IOTW Report

Khan’s London: 14-Year-Old ‘Butchered’ in Knife Murder, Teen Girl Slashed in Face


Breitbart Europe: After one 14-year-old was “butchered” in a suspected gang-related murder this week and another victim of the same age suffered life-changing injuries when she was slashed in the face by teenage girls, Labour politicians have again blamed “police cuts” for rising violent crime in London.

Young people have been caught “in the grip of” a “disease” of violence, Walthamstow MP Stella Creasy claimed, insisting that the death toll in London is rising as a result of the Conservative Government’s failure to plough sufficient funding into social work and local “youth services”.

She made the emotional claims in a BBC Radio 4 interview on Thursday, a couple of weeks after London’s Labour mayor Sadiq Khan demanded an overhaul of the Metropolitan Police’s gangs matrix, stating that the overrepresentation of black men recorded on the “useful” violence-preventing database was a “cause for concern”.

The murder of Jayden Moodie this week, which took place in Creasy’s constituency, was described by Scotland Yard detectives as “truly heartbreaking”.

A black Mercedes knocked the 14-year-old off of his moped in Waltham Forest, northeast London, on Tuesday, before three men emerged from the vehicle and knifed the teenager in the back seven times as he lay unconscious in the road.  more here

8 Comments on Khan’s London: 14-Year-Old ‘Butchered’ in Knife Murder, Teen Girl Slashed in Face

  1. Gavin McGinnes was right about this years ago. It was shortly after a young British soldier was almost beheaded by a Muzzloid screaming snackbar on a public street in broad daylight. The motive remains unclear.

    Londonistan is gone. They will have to wage a war to get it back at this point.

  2. I used to want to go to England to visit, not any more, no way in Hell. I don’t think that I’d feel safe over there so goodbye England. And forget about visiting Europe as well except for maybe eastern Europe where they don’t put up with a lot of the politically correct multicultural crap. They know what it’s like to be oppressed by the Russians so they don’t suffer Islamization lightly.

  3. @ geoff the aardvark:

    [Eastern Europeans] know what it’s like to be oppressed by the Russians so they don’t suffer Islamization lightly.

    Heck, historically they know what it’s like to be oppressed by the mohammadmen.


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