Kindergarten-Naptime College-Faptime – IOTW Report

Kindergarten-Naptime College-Faptime

There is so much wrong with this story I do not know where to begin.

During freshman orientation at the Rochester Institute of Technology a slide was presented with Roo from Winnie the Pooh. Roo was used as a device so that males could remember an acronym.

ROO- Rub One Out.

This was an anti-sexual assault Public Service Announcement on freshman orientation day. I’d feel insulted if I were sitting in that auditorium. I’d probably stand up and point to my crotch and say “Roo This.”

You’re not going to take my money and then imply that I’m a savage.

Rochester has apparently bought into the fake data that women are raped on campus at a rate that far exceeds any known rape data. You thought Johannesburg had a rape problem? Pfffft. Community colleges. Now that’s where you can’t walk down a hallway without hearing the muffled screams from an adjacent corridor.


This fapping message flies in the face of what we’ve been told rape is. We’ve been told that rape is not a crime about sex, it’s a crime of pure violence.

The rapist isn’t horny, they are violent. If so, why would “rubbing one out” help?

If only Hitler remembered ROO he wouldn’t have killed a Jew.

They are playing with fire with this imagery.

What if some crazed freshman tried to remember ROO but thought Thumper??

Think about it.

ht/ JS


42 Comments on Kindergarten-Naptime College-Faptime

  1. I can’t believe how screwed up educators are in this country. There was probably a group of big thinkers that thought they could really get through to some students with this bullshit.

  2. Wait, Women ROO, Men sand the mast, choke the chicken, etc. So are they worried about Amazon Woman raping and pillaging? But as I understand it the phrase Rub One Out has alway applied to Bull Dikes and Lezbos.

  3. Sorry, but you don’t have to teach or remind young men about ROO – they are pretty much experts already. But we may have to teach the school administrators that ROO has nothing to do with rape or sexual assault.

    Although I wouldn’t want to pay big bucks to attend a college where I had to teach the professors and administrators these types of things.

  4. connect the dots

    sociologically, draw a line from where we were decades ago, draw a line showing the overall negative slope over time, then project the point at which we are headed at an accelerated rate

    we are at the tipping point, fooked imho

    exactly as the bible predicted

  5. The feminazis who came up with this insulting indoctrination probably look like Triggly Puff and couldn’t get laid if they were waving around a fist full of 100 dollar bills in a maximum security men’s prison.

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