Kristi Noem Vetoes Bill That Protects Women’s Sports, Insists It’s ‘Not A Veto’ – IOTW Report

Kristi Noem Vetoes Bill That Protects Women’s Sports, Insists It’s ‘Not A Veto’

National File-

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota followed through on her promise to block a bill that would have prevented biological males from competing in sports intended for females on Monday, insisting that her action is “not a veto” even though it functions identically to a veto.


21 Comments on Kristi Noem Vetoes Bill That Protects Women’s Sports, Insists It’s ‘Not A Veto’

  1. There has been a LOT of noise about this but if one were to look into the bill, there are very valid reasons (valid meaning conservative) to oppose this particular version. People should do their homework (including Tucker I’m sorry to say) before bloviating.

  2. South Dakota needs to elect a man. We all know that women aren’t up to the job. (Even auto correct typed that phrase out for me after the first three Words so google even knows)

  3. She was on Bongino’s show last week and he had to agree to disagree with her. Her position was that she didn’t want to be sued by the NCAA because the court had Obama/Clinton appointees. She couldn’t spin it well enough to win him over or much of his audience.

  4. I was and am liking her flu response and many things she does, but she bristled in 2008 when the media compared her to Palin. She was in DC for 6 years and did not impress me at all. I barely voted for her for gov but at that time the choice was easy. The r party in SD is infested with rinos thanks to thune and rounds and is very corrupt. I had high hopes for her but she governs like a booooosh. She picks you up just to see you fall. Revolver has a great article on her rinoish tendencies.

  5. She’s a politician. Every decision has to take the next election into consideration. Not how it should be but just the way it is. Somebody(s) threatened to withhold their donations to the warchest.

  6. Bamo and LTD, can you provide some of those “valid reasons” why she would oppose this particular version” of the bill?

    I totally agree that the way many pieces of legislation are designed now days, they are packed with items not even remotely related to the bill. But I watched her 2-step on Tucker last week and she provided nothing with respect to what was so objectionable in her opinion and what EXACTLY she wanted changed. It was really pathetic.

    This is a major hot button topic today, other governors have passed similar legislation. Girls need to be protected, Noem knows this. She also knows that is getting creamed in the court of public opinion right now.

    Passing legislation where boys compete with boys and girls compete with girls is a no-brainer, especially in a conservative state like SD. Yet she is fumbling, stumbling and appears weak, un-principled and too afraid to do the right thing.

  7. All bills should be required to comprise one page – in plain English.
    If it’s longer than that, it’s probably Bullshit … uhh … legal legerdemain – meant to confuse and obscure its meaning and intent.

    I haven’t read the bill (and probably wouldn’t understand it if I did) but my guess is that it’s chuck full of obfuscatory crap that throws everything into the lap of the biased and corrupt Judiciary.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I had a feeling Mz. Noem was a bit RINO. She tends to be a little dismissive of outsiders like Pres. Trump who don’t goose step to the establishment.

    She may think she’s hardlining the left by being picayune about this bill, but optics show she may not like the originators of the bill.
    They correctly want to protect girls in athletics from predatory tranny encroachment. Girls and women athlete records are being destroyed. Maybe Mz. Noem should focus on that and stop grandstanding.

  9. Noem’s doing the right thing. Take care of the innocent kids first. Then worry about the whatever they are in NCAA. BTW, Tucker is human, and not always correct in his assessment, although he certainly tries.


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