Kyle Rittenhouse Was Inches Away From Dying – IOTW Report

Kyle Rittenhouse Was Inches Away From Dying

Captain’s Journal-

The moment his arm exploded, the pistol was being pointed at Kyle’s head. 

31 Comments on Kyle Rittenhouse Was Inches Away From Dying

  1. Kyle was cool under fire!

    And after the f*ckstick got his arm treated at the hospital he expressed regret for not emptying his magazine into Kyle when he first had the chance – just prior to his false surrender. POS, FPOS, POFS!!

  2. From the time I first saw the video I haven’t understood how anyone could possibly think this was anything other than self defense, he had the choice of shooting or dying and it wasn’t one he could have backed away from.

    What is wrong with that prosecutor who’s charging him with murder?

  3. When I grow up, I hope to be at least half as good as Kyle was on that day. And at least half as cool-headed.
    Kyle is THE poster child for how I would hope more young men would be like: engaged in a cadet academy with the police; firefighting training with the fire station; was a lifeguard (doubt he let anyone watch the hair on his legs rise up in the water and let kids jump on his lap while he learned about roaches); volunteered to remove graffiti; and I have no doubt countless other self-less acts of kindness not yet reported.
    I hope those able to communicate with Kyle are able to let him know that We The People are supporting him in whatever way we can from where we are at.

  4. @ Bad_Brad SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 AT 4:15 PM

    Given enough practice getting off a kill shot while sweeping through a target is pretty routine, by the last couple days of a week of nonstop shooting prairie dogs and expending between seven and ten thousand rounds it is uncanny how your instincts develop. But you are probably right, and with the trigger that rifle probably has in it you cannot get the shot off at exactly the right hundredths of a second to do it anyway.

  5. Kyle Rittenhouse was clearly defending his life while being chased by three men intent on killing him. Hours later Kyle was charged with murder. Meanwhile, Portland’s DEMOCRAT/ANTIFA/BLM murdered killed an innocent man in cold blood. Portland’s murderer is being protected by the media, the thoroughly corrupt mayor, DA, and police chief. It’s been 4 days and no arrest yet. Why?

  6. @Cynic – I liked when the guy who got shot in the arm turned around with his arm dangling like he was gob smacked. They are always so shocked when they get what’s coming to them.

  7. I heard they saved the scumbag’s arm, but I bet it’s about as saved as Bob Dole’s. What’s that thing the BLMers say…”hands up, don’t shoot”. The guy behind him did it.

  8. From Brad: “But add some adrenaline and it’s a whole new ball game.”

    Heart slamming, not sure when you breathed last, tunnel vision from the adrenaline, people swarming around… I’m amazed that kid survived the people intent on either shooting him or bashing his brains out with a skateboard.

    He was trying to disengage right up till they closed in to kill him.

    The media is playing these two “protesters” deaths for all it’s worth. They don’t mention the 18~19 people the “protesters” have killed since this shit show started.

  9. @Brad
    “And there’s no way to train for that.”

    There is, but I’ve never had it. We have several agencies that do hostage rescue and they do in fact train those operators to function at an extremely high level during situations like that. It borders on inhuman levels of control and awareness. Takes a bit more than a few sessions on the weekends a couple of times a year.

    BTW, got to RO a few contestants at the annual FAL match here in Georgia this past weekend. One made me run a lot faster than I wanted to just to keep up.

  10. Lowell
    I took a CQB two day course where two guys were screaming in your ears and a guy in the back would occasionally yank you backwards by your vest. That’s about the best they could do for stressors. I’m not sure I learned anything. But like most, I take those courses to learn what I can, but mainly because they’re fun. Nobody told me I might actually need to apply that shit. Lol.
    There’s some amazing shooters showing up at some of these events. I’m more involved in the pistol side of things. But there’s no lack of talent.

  11. @Menotu — I read this afternoon that his defense fund has reached $900K. It’s an indirect way of letting him know that people care.

    Is that would-be assassin who is pointing the pistol at Rittenhouse in jail for rioting, attempted murder, weapons charges? Anything? Or is he back in his mom’s basement whining for someone to come feed him more hot pockets?

  12. The left has supposedly uncovered a video where Kyle is punching a girl in the back of the head. Had a SOB on FB who is a Libertarian Trump hater, one of those that’s really a leftist and too stupid to realize it, tell me how I was defending a woman beater. Then the POS threatened me like I was going to run crying from the room. Then when I told him just maybe I would act like the leftist he is and send the screenshot of his threat to his employer, he blocked me, like I don’t already have the screenshot or already know who he’s employed by.

    So they’re going to try and dig up as much dirt on the kid as they can, they’re claiming he was kicked out of the cadets, has no medic training, has a juvie record.

  13. After years of watching ‘true crime’ shows on TV, and reading the news about violence, no one is charged with “First Degree Murder” until after extensive investigation. You might be arrested for “murder”, but the final charges don’t come until later.
    I think they pulled this kid out of being killed or to stop further rioting for his, and their , safety.

  14. The left is just mad they lost this one. Good job right-wing, this is what I’ve been waiting for.

    The enemy meets you on the field of battle, taunts you, show up and do what you always said you would do. “If they want a Civil War, we have all the guns!”

    Rittenhouse for President!

  15. What a great young man. Antifa attackers forced him to stand his ground and he did an excellent job defending himself. If this country is going to survive, we need more young people like him.


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