Red State:
Los Angeles-based independent investigative journalist Cece Woods has been a thorn in the side of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department since at least 2018, when she exposed a law enforcement cover-up of a string of murders in and around Malibu Creek State Park. Since then she’s also reported on corruption in LA County government, and her reporting on Biden FAA Administrator nominee Phil Washington’s corruption when he was head of LA Metro was key to that nomination’s failure.
Clearly, even if you’ve never heard her name, she’s a force to be reckoned with – and current LA County Sheriff Robert Luna is going to extreme lengths, including threatened lawfare, to attempt to silence her.
Luna was elected in 2022 after a contentious election in which members of the LA County Board of Supervisors and then-District Attorney George Gascon collaborated to push him over the finish line because they didn’t like that the incumbent, Alex Villanueva, was pursuing public corruption cases. He’s therefore up for re-election in 2026. more here
Every member of the LA County Board of Supervisors is a card carrying communist. I’m serious. And they ousted Villanueva because he was onto a bunch of corruption that the Board of Supervisors were neck deep in and hired “their” guy. Now that Gascon is gone things could get interesting.
The LA sheeiff os. swamp hack, kissing the asses of the all female woke fascist elected officials of the county.
There’s no saving LA. “Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure…”
Poor attempt at a “scary lawyer letter”. They’re a dime a dozen. Woods is doing the right thing by holding it up to ridicule. Luna is a pissant.
He’s likely a pissant with Parkinson’s.
Cece is a friend, an on the ground journalist in Malibu who has done a lot of tough stories. I got to know her online before the 2018 fires, and she has been a crucial information point whenever a local problem is happening, whether a fire or traffic situation or bad government (of which there is no shortage in Malibu). She can stand up to anything they try. It was nice to see Villanueva sticking up for her, and Jen van Laar is another great CA journalist.
“There’s no saving LA. “Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure…””
I prefer not to read your idiotic “yea team” bull shit. So I’ll stop doing it. The truth of the matter is if we ever had a fair vote in this state Libtards would get spanked. Led by Catholic Hispanics. If Trump gets his vote reform passed through before the mid term California will go red.They cheated their asses off again and yet Cali went 40% for Trump. It’s always amusing to read shit from people that don’t understand California and wish her ill will.
“Kali Refugee”. So what, you drove thru it once? We have a huge war ahead of us. I don’t understand why some people are trying to drive a wedge between patriots. Oh well.
Yes, the Cali bashing here does get tiresome. People forget that there are more registered Republicans in California than in any other state in the country. I don’t begrudge anybody for moving out of the state and starting over, but a little reciprocity would be nice, don’t begrudge us who want to stay and make changes from within.
Well, get on with it then, goddam it.
at least the shitholer da ass-gasket/gascon is gone. useless dkskrs in austin voted to keep commie-soros-shitholer da garbage/garza, & provided $$$ for its protection.