LA Times Says Climate Change Is ‘Uprooting Millions of People a Year’ – IOTW Report

LA Times Says Climate Change Is ‘Uprooting Millions of People a Year’

Yes. It’s the climate that makes leaders turn their countries into sh!holes and causes terrorists to flee their homelands to occupy and destroy Europe.


Breitbart: The Los Angeles Times has joined the ranks of global warming alarmists, claiming that climate change is generating mass migration across the globe and fueling the worst refugee crisis “since World War II.”

Climate change “is stoking environmental disasters around the globe and uprooting millions of people a year,” writes LA Times journalist Tracy Wilkinson on Sunday in a piece destined to “stoke” her readers’ climaphobia.

“The increasingly extreme weather patterns have destroyed food and water supplies, left communities destitute, strained national and international aid resources, and fomented political instability,” Wilkinson writes, as a result of human-generated CO2 emissions.

“The plight of those forced from their homes by the changing environment” does not receive the attention it deserves, she laments, because “people displaced by environmental changes are not recognized as refugees under international law.”

As a result, “so-called climate refugees are often swept into the ranks of economic migrants by unwelcoming, overtaxed governments,” she adds, “as happened with thousands of sub-Saharan and central African men and women who crossed the Mediterranean Sea to reach southern Europe.”

Those who have studied the manifold causes of the recent wave of African migrants into Europe are aware that no single factor can be identified as the impetus behind the phenomenon, and that “pull factors” from Europe have been at least as strong as the push factors originating in Africa.

In her essay, Ms. Wilkinson cites Alice Thomas, the head of the climate displacement program at Refugees International, as saying that an “estimated 20 million people are uprooted annually by environmental conditions.”  read more

11 Comments on LA Times Says Climate Change Is ‘Uprooting Millions of People a Year’

  1. have destroyed food and water supplies, left communities destitute, strained national and international aid resources, and fomented political instability,”

    Sounds like democrat socialists are trying to divert their ruin on to defenseless mother Earth. Have they no bounds?

  2. Sub-Saharan and Central Africa have been shit-holes for all of recorded history.
    And recorded history includes previous “climate change.”

    “The Sun Sets after I eat Dinner.
    Therefore: My eating Dinner causes the Sun to Set.”

    The sequence is infallible. The causality is non-existent.
    The idea is to promulgate a lie that can appear plausible to the ignorant who will cede power into the hands of the tyrannous.

    The method has worked for centuries – and is (obviously) still considered viable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. That sounds about right. Oh, and genocidal maniac dictators – that probably contributes as well. As does the fact that many of these areas have been shit holes for decades. Let’s not forget civil wars and terrorist activities. And a lurch to communism; a system which magically makes goods and services disappear.

    Oh, let’s just face facts – it’s leftists and their insane failed policies and not any global warming. Blaming global warming for the failures of leftist ideology is nothing more than advance rationalization of the failed systems leftists want.

  4. Of course! Global warming has resulted in millions of refugees. The United States is the biggest contributor to global warming. Therefore it is our responsibility to bring ALL the refugees to the U.S.! See how that works? My gawd we are so fortunate we didn’t get stuck with a president Hillary.


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