Law Professor – “Obama Broke the Law” – IOTW Report

Law Professor – “Obama Broke the Law”

I’m only posting this one guy’s opinion. But talk about your consensus, this is settled science – OBAMA BROKE THE LAW. I’m being hard-pressed to find a law professor who doesn’t have his tongue on Obama’s grundle who disagrees with Turley in this video.

Now what?


16 Comments on Law Professor – “Obama Broke the Law”

  1. Now what?

    The rest of Gitmo will be emptied out, for starters, while the repukelicans wail and gnash their teeth and bite their pillows, and threaten to hold a hearing.

    And from there, he may nationalize an industry or two. And don’t forget martial law. The possibilities are endless.

  2. With 0bama it’s like giving a chimp a loaded AK47 in a crowded room then stealing it’s banana or something to make it mad.

    It would be funny except for the serious consequences.

    Obama’s atrocities piling on top of atrocities, one cluster after another, would be fascinating at the least if not profoundly amusing if it weren’t seriously Effing up the nation.

    Those leftists who ragged on Bush like we rag on 0bama need to be smacked in the face, the shit Barry is doing makes Bush look like Reagan.

  3. “Dreamer” invasion of Texas to cost billions, Ubangi declares it a humanitarian crises to confiscate tax money to write the check.

    He executes an invasion then makes you pay for it.

    He gives 5 Al Qaeda commanders back to the enemy for one deserter to distract from Obamacare’s model killing hundreds of veterans.

    I have had enough.

  4. The white house said up front that they broke the law. The white house knows that there is no way Boehner will impeach a black president, not even after the mid-terms. Unless the alphabet soup news gangs up on him (highly unlikely), this will be forgotten in a few weeks just like every other time obama broke the law.

  5. My take on the hostage exchange is this is Obama’s payback to Karzai for his refusal to meet with Obama when he was in Afghanistan a week or so ago.
    The Taliban is a direct threat to Karzai’s power.

  6. I see the potential for actual “tangible progress” in our continual battle to establish “undeniable” proof that the Political Left (Govt./Activists/NGOs)has ill intentions toward us (the US/Western Civ./Liberty/Christianity), and that the entirety of Academia and the Media are all complicit in the collusion in the conspiracy to “Fundamentally Transform” life as we know it.

    In other words, Obama blatantly went out of his way to undermine the Rule of Law, in order to hand a huge asset (5 in fact) to the avowed enemies of America. He openly admitted that he knew he was breaking the law, and he didn’t care because he didn’t like that the law was (supposed to be) stopping him from doing what he wanted to do! There’s no denying that delivering something so dangerous as those 5 leaders directly into the hands of the very people who are hell bent on killing as many Americans as possible is anything but TREASON! BUTT!!!
    The media, the academics gasbags, and the scumbag Pelosis, Reids, and every elected Democrat in the country are doing just that! While the whole world looks on in disbelief scratching our heads, the Democrats once again circle the wagons around the guy who was just filmed in full HD color running across the battle line and delivering plans and weapons to the enemy and then strutting back across the border, grinning and flipping off the people who he swore an oath to protect and defend. Meanwhile, the media who have no choice but to acknowledge the incursion, are doing their best to try to spin and obfuscate… AGAIN!!!

    So, the way I see it, this is a PERFECT opportunity to present the evidence to people who are still so uninformed / naive as to believe that we are the ones who are evil. This is the red handed proof that could finally discredit the group that has been “Alinskying” us for the last 6 yrs on a daily basis. How can your Moonbat co-worker continue to defend “Progressivism” using the “evidence” and narratives touted by (for instance) that lovable little imp Georgie Stephanoplorgie when we all just saw Georgie clearly trying to fool viewers into believing that the President we just watched deliver weapons to the enemy, didn’t really do what we saw him do and he was really just trying to retrieve our lost assets? Especially when that “asset” turns out to be another traitor who had deserted and then sabotaged his own troops because he hates us as much as the enemy does? This was a stupid miscalculation on obama’s part, and we need to make sure he and his cohorts EAT IT, 24-7, until every American and every Freedom Loving human on the planet knows the truth about it.

  7. He broke the law for a good cause, to free taliban freedom fighters. That’s another feather in his hat.Should be an eight iron up his arse, but that’s the way it uis today. The new normal. You youngsters better wise to fuck up or just get used to tyranny.

  8. His campaign promise was to ‘close’ Gitmo. Well, he is doing the next best thing — he is emptying it, 5 people at a time. He has released 10 so far, in less than a year.

    When it is totally empty, then what?

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