Lawfare Not Working Out for Joe – IOTW Report

Lawfare Not Working Out for Joe


A conviction in the criminal trial of former President Donald Trump would boost his support among key swing state voters, a Telegraph/Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll recently found, contradicting a narrative that a potential Trump conviction would somehow boost President Joe Biden’s flagging poll numbers. More

8 Comments on Lawfare Not Working Out for Joe

  1. Thing about scumbag criminal shit heads, they ALWAYS wind up loser. Most of them in this life. I’ve watched, the scum usually end up paying the price, certainly not always in the here and now but most often so. Hilry hasn’t paid… other than being stuck with Bill, Bill hasn’t paid (he’s scum, but nothing compared to Hill) other than being stuck with Hillary. The democrats have played the dirtiest, most evil game for the longest time and have pretty much the oldest most corrupt scumbag pedophile jackwagon imaginable fronting their horrorshow scene, of course it isn’t going to work out. They’ve run it too hard, for too long, the karma alone is sinking the rats like a stone by now.

  2. They’ve turned Trump into a martyr. Always a bad idea. Just ask Joshua Bar-Joseph.

    PS You mean the lying dogfaced pony soldier, Jeffery (Harry just isn’t you)?

  3. “It’s safe to say that most people don’t want the kind of government that this crooked, demented Asshole represents!” -Harry

    True, but people also need to realize that the Uniparty still gives us crooked gubmint without Joe; and statism and crony capitalism existed before our Uniparty; and Marxism and Communism existed before our version of statism (mixed economy); and corrupt European philosophy (Weimar Republic, etc.) lead to that thinking in the first place (1800’s).

    No one wants talk about this stuff in our ‘intelligentsia.’


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