Lawsuit Over Sex-Trafficked Teen Could Stop Schools From Hiding Kids’ Dysphoria – IOTW Report

Lawsuit Over Sex-Trafficked Teen Could Stop Schools From Hiding Kids’ Dysphoria

Federalist– The mother of a Virginia teen sex-trafficked twice after her school concealed her newly asserted gender identity has filed a groundbreaking lawsuit against school staff and a Maryland public defender who alleged parental “misgendering” and abuse. The complaint was filed Aug. 22 in the Western District of Virginia court on behalf of Michele Blair by the Child and Parental Rights Campaign (CPRC) with support from the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR).

It alleges that the defendants’ actions—first in withholding vital information about the girl’s gender identification and related assault in the boys’ bathroom, then later by falsely alleging abuse to deprive her mother of custody—resulted in the child’s ordeal at the hands of sexual predators not once, but twice. Blair v. Appomattox et al. will set critical precedents in two areas of roiling national debate: parental notification of gender transition in schools and parental custody relating to gender identity. more here

8 Comments on Lawsuit Over Sex-Trafficked Teen Could Stop Schools From Hiding Kids’ Dysphoria

  1. I have mentioned before that I am somewhat bemused by the relatively new CA requirement for ‘child safety’, which mandated that I take an online course (which I did) and get fingerprinted (which I haven’t, but plan to do when I visit CA in November) – all so that I can continue to be a scout leader, and of course BSA has its own safety program that I have to take every year.
    And yet, the same state takes steps to hide grooming, molestation, all of the bad things. Insane.

  2. LCD – I admire and applaud you for enduring the state’s incursion into your privacy in order to continue doing wonderful stuff for kids and their families, despite the glaring hypocrisy of the laws of CA.

    I imagine that having a background check, etc, also protects you from false witness against you, is that correct?

  3. Haha – no, but adhering to a 2 adults at all times policy does!
    Honestly, I am not moving back there, just the occasional visit, and there isn’t much point in being active with the scouts, most of whom don’t know me since I left 3 years ago. But there are still good people there, and I want to help if I can. And maybe go on another epic high adventure trip!

  4. What will it take for parents to get their children out of the commie/sexual perversion/slave training centers? Seriously people, WTFU. No butts in the chairs, no money. Starve the beast!

  5. AussieLover, exactly my argument. I no longer hold back, each and every time someone tells me this or that happened in their kid’s school, I tell them they are the problem and are contributing to their child being abused.
    Home schooling your children is way easier today than it was in the past. It’s easy and inexpensive to find curriculum. When they’re young, it literally takes an hour or two max a day. There are home school groups all over if you need help teaching your kid something you’re not good at along with your kids being able to socialize that some are so worried about.


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