Lee Zeldin’s Attempted Attacker Told Investigators He ‘did not know’ Speaker’s Identity – IOTW Report

Lee Zeldin’s Attempted Attacker Told Investigators He ‘did not know’ Speaker’s Identity

Rep. Lee Zeldin’s alleged attacker also said he was drinking whiskey earlier in the day.

FOX: The would-be attacker who “lunged” at Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., on Thursday told investigators that he “did not know” who the speaker on stage was and said he had been drinking whiskey earlier in the day.

David Jakubonis, 43, of Fairport, New York, was charged with state-level charges of attempted assault in the second degree as well as a federal assault charge announced on Saturday.

Jakubonis was initially released on his own recognizance after allegedly attempting to attack the congressman at a gubernatorial campaign event in Fairport on Thursday, but was taken back into custody on Saturday and charged with assaulting a member of Congress using a dangerous weapon, which carries a maximum of 10 years in prison. more here

12 Comments on Lee Zeldin’s Attempted Attacker Told Investigators He ‘did not know’ Speaker’s Identity

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  2. The attack against Zeldin was engineered by the not-elected-governor Kathy Hochul who along with her hugely teeth circulated an instigating email notice of Zeldin’s speech and location. Add that the fake NYC conservative “news site” NYPOST has glamorized the would-be assassin with their (false) description of said attacker as they do with other reprobates and miscreants.

  3. “…taken back into custody…”

    By the FBI. You left that bit out, journo.

    And he wasn’t taken into custody; He was brought in for debriefing after his mission. All the stuff about drinking and ignorance is from his Fed handlers. He’ll be cut loose again after the optics shift.


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