Left-wing protesters descend upon Capitol Hill seeking end to Ukraine War – IOTW Report

Left-wing protesters descend upon Capitol Hill seeking end to Ukraine War

JTN: Left-wing activists on Wednesday protested outside congressional offices demanding that the Biden administration push for a negotiated end to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Russia invaded the Eastern European nation in February of 2022 and the conflict remains unsettled. Russian forces have seized large swathes of the nation’s southern territories and Kyiv has largely been unable to dislodge them despite a concerted counteroffensive effort that has brought considerable loss of life.

The group consisted of members of Code Pink and the Peace in Ukraine Coalition, The Hill reported. The demonstrators largely visited the offices of Democratic and progressive lawmakers, including Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.  At least 11 of the demonstrators were arrested outside Sanders’s office. more

8 Comments on Left-wing protesters descend upon Capitol Hill seeking end to Ukraine War

  1. The LAST thing we need is the Biden administration negotiating ANYTHING. Just get our money, munitions, arms, and aircraft the hell out of there.

    Aren’t these kinds of conflicts what the UN was supposed to negotiate; get us out of that too!

  2. Here’s a thought. Get the U.S. “Intelligence Community” and their proxies and contractors out of Ukraine. They’re the ones who started it, after all, way before Russian troops crossed the border last year.

    Oh, yeah, and stop the money merry-go-round between the U.S. Treasury, Ukrainian corruptocrats, and American corruptocrats.


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