Leftears – IOTW Report


ht/ c. steven tucker

48 Comments on Leftears

  1. These libtard young women really do hate women who have good moral character, don’t they? What’s are they so afraid of, that normal person is a Justice? What happened to girls/ women can achieve anything? Is it only allowed if those girls/ women are libtards or identify as 36 genders?
    I bet girls like this never go anywhere other than MSDNC or CNN for their daily feed of”news”.
    This kind of stupidity makes women look like irrational idiots who shouldn’t be allowed to vote for being so helpless and dumb.

  2. …one of the main reasons I stopped running Squad was that I had front-row seats for watching the Democrats systematically dismantle the mental health system for their own selfish political ends, and I got burnt out on dragging red-tagged loonies who were ACTUALLY hurting people down to General Hospital over a not really amusingly bonkers half-hour drive and dropping them in their windowless, pillowless, sheetless cot (so they couldn’t strangle themselves or other inmates), only to watch them waltz out of the hospital while I was still completing my paperwork because the Democrats had made it very easy to avoid even a 72 hour commit, and liberal brainpeepers were 100% on board with defining dangerously crazy out of existence. I once had one, who had been transported for breaking a guitar over his minister’s head during crisis counseling (N.B. to Seattle/Portland/Minneapolis “psychologists”, this does not work with the violent), who had been red-tagged by the cops, ask us for a ride BACK because they just sprung him, and the cops didn’t want to waste their time further.

    We declined, partly because we couldn’t legally transport a non-patient, but mostly because you don’t want to carry a crazy violent guy who isn’t tied down in an 8×8 mobile box at highway speeds with sharp and heavy objects available in some cabinets and bags.

    Because of this, I have zero interest in watching videos of insane people displaying their insanity like this gal. It’s not like you can get her help or that she could get help even if she sought it, because Democrats would just tell her SHE’S the sane one and everyone who loves America and votes Trump are insane instead, thus simply fueling her crazy.

    It’s just too depressing, the more so because I saw them laying this ground back in 19 dickety 2, couldn’t stop it THEN, and can’t stop it NOW.

    All I can really do is pray the Lord saves this lady because no POLITICIAN will, and that the Lord protects us FROM her and her ilk and protect us from the insane perverts her diseased mind would have her place in charge of us.

    Crazy bitches be crazy.

    Can’t do anything about it because it’s on purpose.

    Full pass on the video.

    But for those of you watching, just imagine if you had to deal with her as an unwilling patient.

    …or worse, live with her at home…

  3. please do us all a favor, maybe two and we thank you in advance #1 if you do not have children keep it that way and do not reproduce #2 if you would just kindly slide down (not the camera), about another 5-7 inches, relax, let the bubbles out and just drift off and never be seen or heard form again and all of your self inflicted pain will be gone

  4. I know exactly how she feels. When Kagan was confirmed, I was sent into a searing depression my self. Long bathes and tearful missives were my stock & trade for months as I struggled to get a handle on the evil path our country was headed down. First Sotomayor and now Kagan!

    SMOD, I welcome my fiery relief from this agony. /s

    Get a grip bitch.

  5. OMG!

    We all forgot Hillary Clinton’s Birthday

    Well at least Donald Trump was nice enough to remember and celebrated the “Shattering The Glass Ceiling” by having a Confirmation Ceremony of another woman on the Supreme Court!

    Happy Belated Hillary, you can enjoy your present for at least 30 years!

  6. Kcir from Toronto
    OCTOBER 27, 2020 AT 8:05 AM

    We all forgot Hillary Clinton’s Birthday”

    …I can’t figure out how to reckon it anyway. Did she start counting from when Satan was created, from when she was cast out of Heaven with him, from when she was dispatched originally to torment the living world? From when she, Pelosi, and Feinstein ran away from the trouble they caused in Salem to keep from being burned at the stake and hid in a Maryland swamp until an ill-advised George Washington built a seat of government in it, or from when she was sent out from hell in this particular disguise?

    …it’s just hard to know what the rules and the counting system are when we’re talking about eternal demons like her…

  7. Heh, heh, heh … oh … sorry … we’re not sposed to laugh at retards …

    “Hey – Look at ME!”
    “Hey – Look at ME! I’m so sensitive, and shit!”
    “A woman was confirmed to the Supreme Court who has written a number of decisions throughout her career – of which I’ve never read! Not a SINGLE ONE! But I’m going to pretend that I care! Without actually KNOWING anything about the law or her or the Constitution or … well … anything!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. That’s gotta be an act, if someone were really like that in their life I don’t see how they could function in the normal world. They’d have to be institutionalized and taken care of or something.

  9. Little does this girl know that her President Trump is doing good things for even a Chump like her.

    Edit: I said “girl”. Sorry! Shouldn’t judge. “Person” it is.

  10. Watching videos like this of these idiots sobbing, and then seeing the same type of idiot threatening to kill conservatives makes you wonder if being mentally unstable is a prerequisite for being a Libtard.

  11. Brad
    OCTOBER 27, 2020 AT 8:42 AM
    “Watching videos like this of these idiots sobbing, and then seeing the same type of idiot threatening to kill conservatives makes you wonder if being mentally unstable is a prerequisite for being a Libtard.”

    …I don’t wonder at all. The reason that Dems refined crazy was so THEY wouldn’t get put away, but also because the ONLY reason anyone would EVER vote Democrat is if the demon voices in their heads TOLD them to, so of COURSE Democrats released the nutty, its their only REAL voter base because you HAVE to be willing to hurt yourself and others to vote for one, because it’s what they DO…

  12. So she’s scared for everyone except “white men”. How about the 2 adopted Haitian kids of Judge Barret ? Bet she doesnt know a thing about them. Like she doesnt know shit about the Constitution.

  13. PJ OCTOBER 27, 2020 AT 10:21 AM
    “Scars of abuse, sin, and/or abortion run deep, and do not heal without asking God to intercede.”

    PJ, glad to see you are here and active and well enough to blog, Brad and I were talking about you on another thread about a singer who passed recently from cancer, and that we were thinking about you, and I’m still keeping you in my prayers and pray He is moving on your illness and in your life.

    And once again, I am humbled by the fact that you focus on this being an injured person who needs healing after I express my years of human cynicism about such, and it is a thing I have to work on because whatever what experiences I have had with this type of person and whatever I may think of this person in particular…
    the Lord wants them back.

    And because of that, He is better served by praying for them, although it would not help if they do not seek him themselves, so the best we can pray is that they have a Damascus Road moment with him.

    Thank you for being here and being a consistent, gentle reminder of this higher need.

    God Bless,

  14. If there is one thing for sure and for certain, these progs are 100% utterly and incapable of sincerity. I learned first hand all bout how their phony posturing and bullshit is just an act. At this point in my life it no longer moves me one fucking bit. If the pieces of shit are truly suffering, they deserve it and if they are it is not out of empathy or compassion for anyone whatsoever.

  15. USA adversaries who monitor social media see this kind of tripe and think we’ve become a nation of pushovers. They may soon be right, but I would advise patience on their part for the time being. Just sayin’.

  16. …when I was in my 20s I neither knew nor cared who was on the Supreme Court.

    But then, my life didn’t revolve around infanticide either, so maybe that’s the difference….

  17. If she was really serious about leaving a message to her tribe she’d take the opportunity to drown herself. These are the people that you’d really like to know more about. Not identifying stuff but rather what sort of person they are and how they ended up crying in a bathtub in front of the world showing just how weak and brainwashed they really are. On the other hand this is just so laughable it could just be joke.

  18. @ SNS,
    Thank you so very much. Yes, I am still trying to be lucid. 🙂

    I am having a difficult time typing because I shake a lot on and off, and have to correct nearly every 5th word for multiple letters coming from my twitch fingers. Add that tto the nausea for a week or more between the Immunotherapy, and I feel like crap. One day at a time. 🙂
    Love you all.


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