Leftist Organizing World Tour To Apologize For Trump – IOTW Report

Leftist Organizing World Tour To Apologize For Trump

I have news for you guys, like a reporter said, Trump has to shoot someone dead on 5th ave. before we stop supporting him.
But I say, depending on who he shot, GO TRUMP! (P.S. Ted Kennedy killed a woman. Just sayin’.)

Canadian comedian Samantha Bee (who drooling mouth-breathing scissorbills are calling to run for president in 2020) is putting together a global apology tour (because Obama’s delighted them so much) to apologize for the U.S. having elected Trump. Barf.

I asked in the Youtube comments what it is that they hate.

Is it the lower taxes? Is it the prospect of a secured border where drug trafficking, human sex trafficking, and unvetted criminals of the world are stopped? Is it the lower unemployment? Is it the stronger military? Is it the removal of arduous and stifling regulations on small businesses? Is it the historic stock market levels? Is it the historic level of minority owned homes?

What is it I need to apologize for?

The answers, I’m sure, will be the usual unsubstantial bosh from the “I Just Follow the Herd” crowd.

But this just fortifies my resolve to support Trump. As long as he’s able to make the left’s lives miserable, he’s my man! If he starts to make the left happy, I’ll look up and see why. Until then, I have my human emotion detectors.

What will I tolerate out of Trump in order to stop supporting him and rob me of the possibility of seeing the faces of these quarterwit meatballs confused, frustrated  and sobbing in 2020?

I don’t know. I know the tolerance level went up a few clicks, I loathe these people that much.

Instant Update On The Fly!

Unfortunately, I just realized there is a flaw in my emotion detector!!

On the slim chance Trump veers left, we could very well witness these brain-addled simps still protesting a guy who is as liberal as they are, that’s how deeply rooted this Trump Derangement Syndrome is. (After all, we have moron #NeverTrumpers still protesting a guy as conservative as they are.) So, with that in mind, it’s up to you guys to jolt me out of my slumber if Trump veers left.

Relying on the left’s background noise, or the NeverTrump’s background noise, or anyone other than you guys, is unreliable. They are all Unstable Morons.

ht/ annie

10 Comments on Leftist Organizing World Tour To Apologize For Trump

  1. Only fair because I used to alibi and apologize to Germans who thought all Americans liked Obammer and Clinton.

    It’s okay if some of these libturds don’t like President Trump.

  2. What a group of uninteresting people that deserve none of my attention. I don’t know her or that other Bint you referred to earlier today whose name I’ve already forgotten. Some fat slob. That is not worthy of notice.

    I’m a prick tonight but I really don’t give a shit about the lefts protestations and antics.

    I just saw Rep Brad Sherman on Cavuto.

    I can’t stand these people. I could carve a better man than Sherman out of a rotting log.

  3. This will make them like him even more.

    BREAKING NEWS: Trump asked lawmakers in Oval Office immigration meeting: ‘Why are we having all these people from s***hole countries come here?’

  4. joe6pak–CNN has had that quote up since I got home from the movies (Darkest Hour) an hour ago. They have even had breathless panelists talking about it.

    BTW, it was a great movie!

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