Lefty, Lefty With Brain So Small, Which Candidate Do You Fear Most of All? – IOTW Report

Lefty, Lefty With Brain So Small, Which Candidate Do You Fear Most of All?

Based on the DNC Twitter feed last night, Carly Fiorina is the one presidential hopeful that they had to try to tear down during the debate itself.

 Fiorina Debate

 Being simpletons, the DNC choose a very sexist attack.


Using Twitter as the measure of preference by viewers, Carly will be moving up to the top tier. 


Hopefully, she’ll bump wooden-headed Jeb out of the top 10.


10 Comments on Lefty, Lefty With Brain So Small, Which Candidate Do You Fear Most of All?

  1. I haven’t watched the bottom 7 debate yet, but intend to. I posted both full debate videos to my wall, so if you are interested, just click my name and it will lead you there. I do like Carly, and the clips I have seen are impressive.

  2. Trump is a bombastic, pleased with himself New Yorker, but he’s no Jeb. After watching Carly on the 5 baits, the lady has a mind, I love the soft voiced rapier she uses.
    She impaled Joe in the morning.

  3. We’re going to have to quit commenting on Carly’s looks. The ‘Rats will start exploiting the notion that it’s all we think she’s got going for her.

  4. It’s a good sign…
    …as long as it suggests they are
    “giving up on”/conceding
    sabotaging Trump.

    Personally, I think she has too many weak points.

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