Lefty News Bias Is Worth 15 Points – This is a Prominent Leftist’s Estimate – IOTW Report

Lefty News Bias Is Worth 15 Points – This is a Prominent Leftist’s Estimate

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas famously said that slanted lefty news bias can be worth up to 15 points in the polls. Remember, Thomas is a lefty, in the media, so he’d know.

What do you suppose the voting map would look like if you removed 15 points from the democrat candidates in the last 3 elections?

This year it would look like this –

The previous 2 elections with Obama there would be slivers of blue in lost areas like DC, Vermont, New Hampshire and Hawaii.

That’s it. Even California and New York and Illinois would be red, according to this theory.

Would violence towards the left-wing media be justified given how they manipulate weak minds into usurping our favored systems of governance?

Well, I’m told violence is never justified, so we’ll say no. But if there were some violence, I’d understand why. The media is the enemy.

Watch Bill Whittle HERE.

8 Comments on Lefty News Bias Is Worth 15 Points – This is a Prominent Leftist’s Estimate

  1. After the “high art” of assassinating Trump in classical theater, the Left is “afraid” (who PHOBIC of them!) journalists might get hurt. It’s time to show them how “prophetic” they are. It’s past the point they can get out of the hole they’ve dug themselves into.

  2. I know I have posted this before but at the gym I work out in–the TV that has CNN on it is next to the one with FOX on it. I generally am listening to conservative talk radio but I can still tell what is being talked about–this morning CNN was talking about Trump’s “video” of taking down CNN the ENTIRE time! He is so in their heads.

  3. I guess they hate President Trump because they thought he was one of them and then they find out he’s not only not one of them but he is against them and their goals.

  4. There was a time when Dems could set their poll numbers and the manufacture the votes to match the polls. That day is gone. It would have been gone sooner if the GOPe had done what PDT did when he called out the election process as being rigged, and if the GOPe had done what PDT is doing now with the extreme vetting of the voter rolls. All of techniques the Dems used for years have been revealed as cheap carnival tricks, and the only people who still fall for them are Dem voters.

  5. Corky, I am in the hotel lobby read USA Today, and this is the first thing I read…

    “President Trump cares more about tearing down the news media than building a wall along the Mexican border–at least according to his Twitter feed.”

    These Mediots still have no idea who or what they are dealing with. Sad.

  6. Dem ballot fraud has probably been 5-10 points nationally since at least 1992.

    We watched massive fraud in 2012 with Romney’s passive consent. He conceded on cue at 9 PM EST with 60% of the vote still uncounted and half the country still in line st the polls.

    15%? Media has been deciding elections for decades.

  7. It is why we so luxuriate in their downfall. No creature of God can be denigrated and compared to the media vermin. Only scatological references apply and even scat serves a more useful purpose.

    Plague perhaps.

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