Trump Transition Team Head, Chris Christie, To Help Purge All Obama Appointees – IOTW Report

Trump Transition Team Head, Chris Christie, To Help Purge All Obama Appointees

Trump, as president,  will seek to pass a law that would allow him to purge all Obama appointees, en masse, so that remnants of his administration cannot linger and cause problems for the Trump administration.

Christie fears that  Obama will try and employ a technique called “burrowing,” which shifts his appointees into civil servant posts so they retain their jobs.

Trump will have none of that.


Trump’s transition advisers fear that Obama may convert these appointees to civil servants, who have more job security than officials who have been politically appointed. This would allow officials to keep their jobs in a new, possibly Republican, administration, Christie said.

“It’s called burrowing,” Christie said. “You take them from the political appointee side into the civil service side, in order to try to set up … roadblocks for your successor, kind of like when all the Clinton people took all the Ws off the keyboard when George Bush was coming into the White House.”

Christie was referring to pranks committed during the presidential transition from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush in 2001. During that period, some White House staffers removed the W key on computer keyboards and left derogatory signs and stickers in offices, according to a report by the General Accounting Office, an investigative arm of Congress.

“One of the things I have suggested to Donald is that we have to immediately ask the Republican Congress to change the civil service laws. Because if they do, it will make it a lot easier to fire those people,” Christie said.

He said firing civil servants was “cumbersome” and “time-consuming.”

There was no immediate comment from the American Federation of Government Employees, which is the largest federal employee union in the United States.


Christie also told the gathering that changing the leadership of the Environmental Protection Agency, long a target of Republicans concerned about over regulation, would be a top priority for Trump should he win in November.

Trump has previously vowed to eliminate the EPA and roll back some of America’s most ambitious environmental policies, actions that he says would revive the U.S. oil and coal industries and bolster national security.

Christie added that the Trump team wants to let businesspeople serve in government part time without having to give up their jobs in the private sector. Trump frequently says he is better equipped to be president because of his business experience.

Although Christie was repeatedly asked during the meeting, he declined to name any potential Cabinet picks. He said Trump was not ready to do that yet.


Chris Christie seems to be a very important part of the Trump team.

ht/ c. steven tucker

24 Comments on Trump Transition Team Head, Chris Christie, To Help Purge All Obama Appointees

  1. Just so long as Crispy — I mean Christy — is only an advisor.
    His record as NJ Governor towards people’s freedoms, especially the 2A, is terrible.
    But as a prosecutor — brrrrrr- I’d hate to have him after me.

  2. The Reuters article must be UTTER BULL since, as a civil servant (unless you were hired before, say 1985…ha!) you can be fired DAMNED EASILY.

    The trick is adjusting the “Bargaining Unit Status” whenever an employee changes positions which, in these days and ages, is just about every year!

    Reuters is usnig this as a SCARE TACTIC. F*CK ‘EM!

  3. First, make the practice of Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Islamism, and anything considered “Leftism” punishable by 5 years of imprisonment on the first offense, and death on the 2nd offense.

    THEN purge.

    Get seal Team 6 involved with the enforcement.

    Make America AMERICA again.

  4. Demand their resignations or hound them to the Gates of Hell.

    Good time for the feckless Legislature to eliminate any Federal Agency which harbors them (yeah, I know … wish in one hand and shit in the other …).

    Mark my words – the pusillanimous Congress will continue to protect and defend the fifth columnists in the Fed.

    You read it here, first.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Firing individuals is unnecessary if their entire department is abolished.

    Buh bye HUD, see you, Dept of Education!

    That would be a good first morning at work for a new president.

  6. Everyone bitches about when Shrub Jr let go a majority of the Clintoon lawyers in the Do(i)J. But no one said “boo” when Clintoon let go 100% of the lawyers that Bush Sr had hired earlier.
    Few remember that all these people in the upper echelons of Gooberment serve at the whim and will of the President.

  7. There is no law that say’s they get to keep the same job as a civil servant.

    Demote them to the janitor closet, reduce their pay, have them count supplies and if they act out, fire them for insubordination.

    Most would quit in a month.

  8. Yes! Flush that stinking turd and steam clean the entire place. Wipe out all traces of that enemy infestation!

    And do away with the evil tyrant office of the EPA!! But don’t stop there, send those freeloading thieves packing from all departments and shut down the departments that don’t make America Great.

  9. A good First Day will be to, with a single signature, declare all of Obama’s Executive Actions null and void. All 8 years worth.


    Later, they can pursue Obama & Co with criminal charges. Which they can develop at leisure.

    I’d start with the IRS. Start with charging Obama with all the excessive, non-business use of Air Force One, the insane constant vacations.
    Demand he reimburse the Treasury. In full. Personally. Seize all his assets as collateral.

    Bankrupt him. Make him an example. The Left will scatter and run for cover.

    Then, the real Treason Trials can begin.

  10. Excellent plan. That would mean RINOS will be exposed and “crashing” their way out of leftist support positions they’ve had with Barry’s administration.
    Christy’s a pit bull when he wants to be. Hope he stays on Trump’s side.

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