When you tire of politics, there is always horror:
The Florida mental health counselor accused of murdering her lesbian lover’s two-year-old daughter earlier this week wrote a note claiming a sermon inspired the killing, it has been revealed.
Kimberly Lucas, 40, is accused of drowning her former girlfriend Jacquelyn Jamason’s two-year-old daughter Elliana and attempting to kill her 10-year-old son Ethan.
Homosexuals are all nuts
And the report states that both of these dykes are mental health counselors.
Just when ya think things can’t get worse…
Whoa. Seriously Obama is going to be so mad about this when he reads it in the newspaper and then the MSM will be all over it. There won’t be another sermon allowed from the OT. Ever.
Don’t agree. My observation is that most HUMANS are nuts, despite their frantic efforts to not appear to be. gays are just another subset.
I haerd heard plenty of sermons in my day, not one mentioned revenge as a solution to you problems.
Liberals are the criminal party.
“Mental health counselor”… Brother… Does that say volumes.
Years ago I used to work for a very large pharmaceutical firm and my job was selling various psychotropic medications to physicians, including psychiatrists.
I can tell you as a sane individual that you have never met a more whacked out group, by and large, than mental health workers.
The joke we shared, though it was more true than fiunny, is that most head=shrinkers are drawn to the p[ractice seeking to cure THEMSELVES as much as help other loons.
This posted before I could spellcheck.
But at any rate, if our world was sane, which it clearly isn’t, a self-identifying rug-muncher should be by definition excluded from the practice of mental health as he/she/it has a polluted world view.
I don’t think this woman is crazy, its what they do. When they stab someone, they mince ’em.
When you see an Obama bumper sticker or yard sign, pretty good bet there is a gay or criminal at home.
Is the progressive saying now that “Hell hath no wrath like a lesbo scorned”?
Must have been one helluva sermonial touch to off kids who had no choice in how they ended up in that Pervert Zone.
Totally believe you about mental health workers. We’ve noticed the same thing about child therapists. Not all – just a big chunk of ’em. We had a crazy landlady once in San Jose, CA, that lived in the garage while we rented the rest of her house. We were stupid to agree to it, but it was the only way we could afford a house with a yard for our daughter. She was stark raving loony. Total whack job with 2 grown children who each had one foot in mental institutions. But her day job was counseling children with problems. Go figure.
And if Babs Boxer has her way, these are the people that would approve (more likely disapprove) our next firearms purchase.
Mental Health Professional????? I guess like they say, “It takes one to know one.”
I’m not an Old Testament expert by any definition, but I, seriously, don’t recall ANY killing of a perverted homosexual’s ex-perverted homosexual ‘lover’s’ children for ANY religious purpose whatsoever. Come to think of it, I don’t recall a single instance of any mention of a perverted homosexual’s children.
Somebody quote me chapter and verse, please?
You can tell by the looks of the one on the right that she’s as crazy as it gets.
She looks exactly like Diane Feinstein.
My oldest took a first year course in psychology while in college.
He told me that during the first class the professor said almost everyone that went into that field wanted to answer questions about themselves or get help.
He confirmed that by saying he took the course to better understand why his Mom did the things she did that no loving Mom should have done.
I think that dyke on the right looks like a younger, crazier Jay Leno.
Wasn’t too long ago that homosexuality was in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
We have all learned since that we should have left them there.
Poor kid.
Actually I don’t think this has anything to do with her being a dyke. Plain and simple, she ended up hating the ex and decided to get the most hurtful revenge possible. Then she and her lawyer dreamt up this bullshit defense figuring it’s worth taking a crack (er, sorry) at it. Sad thing is, it might just work as a mitigating circumstance if the Judge is a prog and the jury is stupid. I hope she fries.
We need common sense lesbo control!
It’s the fumes that make them crazy.