LGBT Nonprofit Leader to Be Locked Out of Company Bank Accounts, Flees U.S. amid Investigation – IOTW Report

LGBT Nonprofit Leader to Be Locked Out of Company Bank Accounts, Flees U.S. amid Investigation

BPR: D.C. Attorney General Karl A. Racine is attempting to freeze the bank accounts of Casa Ruby, a Washington, D.C.-based LGBT nonprofit, and the organization’s founder has fled the country, according to The Washington Post.

Casa Ruby reportedly wasn’t paying rent on properties it had leased for shelters and housing programs and was failing to pay employees while its founder, Ruby Corado, was earning a $260,000 salary and withdrawing tens of thousands of dollars from the non-profit’s accounts, according to The Washington Post. Corado, who claims to be in El Salvador and denies any wrongdoing, stepped down in the fall of 2021 but maintains sole control over the organization’s bank accounts.

The organization brought in $3.8 million in contributions in 2020, according to its own tax filings. The organization shut down most of its operations in July, but Corado withdrew $604 July 19 and has used the nonprofit’s funds for travel-related expenses in El Salvador, according to The Washington Post. more here

16 Comments on LGBT Nonprofit Leader to Be Locked Out of Company Bank Accounts, Flees U.S. amid Investigation

  1. The only good news in this story is that regressive and otherwise idiot liberals and commies most likely comprised its donor base. And probably a sprinkling of squishy rinos. Doing what they do best, pissing away money on a false cause and a scam – at least this time it was their own money and not the taxpayers.

  2. @Anonymous August 3, 2022 at 10:36 am

    You could just spend your time on Sesame Street’s website, if you’re so offended here. Plus it’s taxpayer funded, so no ads.

  3. @Jethro – what better way to fleece unsuspecting citizens than to tug at their heart strings. The world’s largest non-profit is the US government. They do it for a living.

  4. All the prog and most of the “conservative” NGOs and lobbying firms are just cash machines for grifter assholes. People should no better than to give money to these worthless scumbags.

  5. D.C. Attorney General Karl A. Racine is attempting to freeze the bank accounts of Casa Ruby, a Washington, D.C.-based LGBT nonprofit, and the organization’s founder has fled the country, according to The Washington Post.

    A pox! On all their houses!


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