Liberal Group Starts Petition to Rename Ronald Reagan National Airport – IOTW Report

Liberal Group Starts Petition to Rename Ronald Reagan National Airport


Now that Mount McKinley is no more, liberals are turning their eyes toward Washington, D.C., and Ronald Reagan National Airport.

The influential liberal political action committee CREDO Action is behind the effort with a petition drive.

The petition says that because John Boehner and congressional Republicans complained when President Barack Obama restored Alaska’s Mount McKinley name to Denali, they should stay consistent and change Ronald Reagan National Airport back to its original name honoring America’s first president, George Washington.


I’m starting a petition to restore Barack Obama’s name back to its original – Fairy Soetoro.

17 Comments on Liberal Group Starts Petition to Rename Ronald Reagan National Airport

  1. Jungle Bunny Airport
    Coon picker. ”
    and of course all the white people are scared shitless. Do
    Whatever you want your highness, just don’t call me a racist.

  2. Robert Byrd had a long record of accomplishments. He had many good ideas. I don’t agree with all of them but he had lots of good ones.

    So I on the condition they rename Democrat Senator Robert Byrd Lynching Memorial Airport in memory of all the black lives matters that were hung by him and his Kkers. We must honor his record in its entirety. He deserves it.

  3. It’s about damn time.
    Whitey’s been running around renaming things ever since he Gypped the Noble Red Man out of his ‘walking in balance with the land’ with his White Devil tricks and smallpox blankets.
    Take the Dakotas, named after some white dude..probably.
    Then there’s Hawaii, what kind of Whitey made up name is that? They obviously tried to make the name ‘sound’ indigenous, but just like all oppressors Whitey can’t get his facts straight.
    Alaska, another white dude, probably fat.
    Mississippi, some enormous fat southern lady I bet.
    Then there’s Arizona. Named after some Old White Dude obviously, because he was some big wig Republican and racist.
    Whitey ought to go back to Europe and knock off oppressing people because of their heteronormative microaggression tendencies, and medieval and ridiculous merit system in a post racial, post gender, post common sense world.

  4. I say rename all the airports on a random, rotating basis without notice so no one knows where the hell they are landing. After all, getting to where you need to go on a timely basis is a racist, social construct forced upon all indigenous peoples by the white man’s greed/need to make a profit from slave labor. Damn you Columbus!

  5. Credo is a frigging mobile phone network provider. They use Sprint as their network operator and supposedly all the profit goes to fund progressive programs such as Planned Parenthood and political PACs used to defeat conservative candidates. If you use CREDO, dump them. If you use Sprint send them a note demanding to know why they support a left wing political group such as CREDO. Let your friends know who their mobile phone network provider really is and visit their web page to see some of the campaigns these socialists are running.

  6. Little Rock Airport needs to be changed from “Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport” to “Douglas MacArthur Airport” since, unlike the dyke, he was actually a native of Little Rock, and, unlike the democrats, America is one country he never tried to run into the ground.

  7. Bingo!

    But my bet is that these fascist libtards know that Washington owned slaves so once Ronald Reagan Airport is renamed back to Washington this group of astroturfed assholes will then reincarnate as some other hyper-sensitive fascist libtard group and demand that it be renamed Obama Airport.

    Emperor Palpatine himself couldn’t come up with a better plan.

  8. Fairy Soetoro! So perfect, Sir Fur, for the fraud previously known as Barry Dunham. But, if it were renamed Barry Soetoro, its call letters could be “BS”, which also fits perfectly with “the Won who spews constantly when not golfing or vacationing”. 500 more days of this BS, 3 years to fumigate and repair our White House.

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