Liberal Senator Already Declaring Victory In 2018 Re-Election – IOTW Report

Liberal Senator Already Declaring Victory In 2018 Re-Election

In order to fundraise for her up coming reelection campaign, Senator Tammy Baldwin (WI-D) managed to panic Madison and Milwaukee Democrats by telling them that Sheriff David Clarke was going to be her challenger.

Only he isn’t and now that we are awaiting word of his appointment to a position in the Trump Administration, her election committee had to come up with some plausible means to hang onto the $2 million they managed to raise already.

So to make contributors feel like they haven’t been duped, her people are declaring an early victory in the 2018 mid-term election.


I posted my congratulations to Senator Baldwin on her Facebook page on winning a victory in an election that hasn’t been held yet against an opponent who didn’t run.

7 Comments on Liberal Senator Already Declaring Victory In 2018 Re-Election

  1. Hey liberals,
    Baldwin’s election is soooo certain you don’t even need to go vote. It’s in the bag. Just stay home for the election. You have more important things to do, like make some protest signs.

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