Library rejects well respected best seller about climate change – IOTW Report

Library rejects well respected best seller about climate change

Book burning Nazi worms.

I love how the left clings to the lie that there is a consensus among 98% of alllllllllll scientists that man-made climate change is here while they reject allllllllllllll refuting evidence.



Apparently in defense of climate orthodoxy, the Northland Public Library of suburban Pittsburgh has banned from its shelves a best-selling book by a nationally recognized local author.

In a May 29 letter to local author Gregory Wrightstone, library executive director Amy Steele said a committee of three librarians had “concluded your book does not meet our standards.”

The book, “Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You To Know,” disputes claims that global warming is largely a man-made phenomenon threatening the health of people and the environment. Asserting that current temperatures are neither unusual nor unprecedented, the book describes carbon dioxide as a “miracle molecule” whose increased levels have benefitted plants and made Earth greener.

The book has received rave reviews from readers, including respected scientists. Sales of the book have skyrocketed in recent months, reaching as high as #10 in overall Amazon sales as recently as March and #1 in sales in five categories.

A geologist of more than 35 years, Wrightstone supports his assertions with an extensive list of references to government agencies such as NASA and NOAA as well as peer-reviewed studies. He is often interviewed on radio and television, presents to professional organizations and academic and civic audiences and has testified before legislative

Wrightstone, who resides in the library’s North Hills service area, expressed frustration with Steele’s communication.

“In the letter she references the importance of ‘diversity of thought’ and ‘materials representing differing points of view,’” Wrightstone notes. “Yet, I went there and found 16 books related to climate change and all 16 toed the company line on man-made catastrophic warming. Not one book was available to offer a ‘non-consensus’ viewpoint. So much for diversity of thought.”


ht/ irony curtain

Here’s the info if you’d like to lodge a complaint.

Irony already sent them a GreeNazi mag “subscription.”

11 Comments on Library rejects well respected best seller about climate change

  1. …Library? Isn’t that what they call the large inner-city buildings where the homeless go to pee on copies of Hillary Clinton books and and yell at sealed boxes of unwanted books with a Baltimore City Hall return address, while drag queens conduct classes in makeup and hair in the children’s section?

    …if so, I’m not surprised they won’t carry, you know, ACTUAL books, with, like, FACTS n stuff…

  2. I get all of my meaningfulInformation from libraries and librarians. Particularly Marian, smokin hot madam librarian. Except there are no hot librarians anymore.

    Speaking of libraries…

    Remember the days when there was no gum chewing, eating or drinking in the library? My new employment gig finds me in a county municipal building attached to the county library that features a vending machine pedaling both food and drink just inside the front door.

    Never got the policy change memo.

    Sorry for the threadjack. Just noticed it.

    I was just passing through. Didn’t linger to survey the reading selection.

  3. I dated a librarian once, strictly for the Naughty Librarian Sex.

    But even that wasn’t enough to make it worth listening to her and her fellow man-hating AAUW Assoc of American University Women complain endlessly about the men in their lives.

    The result for most of them? No American men would date them or marry them. So….they wound up marrying Filthy Mohammedan Savages from the Middle East, all of whom thought nothing of beating the snot of their endlessly complaining wives. The Mohammedans married these broads strictly for the Green Card. Idiots, one and all

  4. I dated a librarian once, strictly for the Naughty Librarian Sex.

    But even that wasn’t enough to make it worth listening to her and her fellow man-hating AAUW Assoc of American University Women complain endlessly about the men in their lives.

    The result for most of them? No American men would date them or marry them. Not even Caspar Milquetoast Beta males. So….they wound up marrying Filthy Mohammedan Savages from the Middle East, all of whom thought nothing of beating the snot of their endlessness complaining wives. The Mohammedans married these broads strictly for the Green Card. Idiots, one and all

  5. @mansfield…you underachieving sausage dealer. A properly applied johnson could have dissuaded those carpet munchers and have had converted them into proper sword swallowing females.

    I kid.


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