Like Clockwork – IOTW Report

Like Clockwork


19 Comments on Like Clockwork

  1. I’m pretty sure that “genius” Muslim kid and his activist Muslim father behind it knew exactly what they were doing by creating this controversy and hoax. Isn’t it amazing too how it fits right into Obama’s racist, bigoted agenda.

  2. just like the dismantling of society by the militant muslims to build their caliphate, anything creative coming out of muslims starts with the destruction of what has already been created.

    the boy took the workings of a digital clock out of it’s manufactured cabinet to make it look like he “built” something.

    and of course our “super intelligent boy king” cannot tell the difference.

  3. I foresee a basement explosion in a year or two, when the little asshole tries to weaponize his “clock” with household chemicals.. Hope mom and dad are home when it happens.

    There is a critical mass point in a muslim minority population, where they begin to push aggressively and assume influence far beyond their numbers, and we are about to reach that point. So let’s just get there quicker by adding a quarter million “Syrian” “refugees”.

  4. When it comes to a filthy fucking raghead building ANY-fuckin-THING:
    it’s “like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but
    you are surprised to find it done at all”


    Which is why Obola is all ga-ga over the kid (other than wanting to have sex with it).

  5. And dont’ forget that Obomba told the world that his molsen buddies were always a part of America’s history. Oh, and Head MF in Charge of Turkey, Erdogan, says that muslins found America long before the Vikings did.

  6. You should see the pro muzzie exhibit called 1001 inventions of/by mohamhead/mooselimbs- turns out mohamhead was the FIRST to WANT to do everything – drive a car, fly an airplane, go to the moon, etc.

    Spencer and Geller ripped it a new one. PURE propaganda

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