‘Like Flipping a Coin and Getting Heads 100 Times’: Stats Buffs Scrutinize Biden ‘Victory’ Numbers – IOTW Report

‘Like Flipping a Coin and Getting Heads 100 Times’: Stats Buffs Scrutinize Biden ‘Victory’ Numbers

National Pulse: Analysis of votes cast for Joe Biden and turnout itself in Pennsylvania reveal a host of statistical and historical anomalies that favor the Democratic candidate’s chances of winning the presidency.

Two reports, providing over 10 pages of statistical analysis of raw Pennsylvania voter data, appear to signal election irregularities – virtually all boosting Biden’s vote count in the critical state. more

8 Comments on ‘Like Flipping a Coin and Getting Heads 100 Times’: Stats Buffs Scrutinize Biden ‘Victory’ Numbers

  1. Please remember that no gambling is allowed on the premises of Dementia Joe’s Cafe Americain in Wilmington. When they round up the usual suspects, they are going to need a bigger prison.

  2. Big Wheel Cheese: Guys, know I told you to cheat, but damn. Did you have to make it so obvious?

    Little Wheel Cheese: I’ll check into it Boss. Gouda, what about it?

    Gouda: It was the polls fault, we had enough fake ballots, until it was a landslide.

    Goat Cheese: Now hold on, you told us to show Biden was ahead, no matter what the actual numbers said. If you wanted reality, maybe you shouda picked up the phone.

    Baby Belle Cheese: Don’t go blaming us, you said we had to hire women and minorities, It’s not our fault they can’t cheat with any deceitful method to it.

    Stinky Cheese: Now don’t go blaming us, you knew we stunk when you bought us, gum up the works, you said.

    Big Wheel Cheese: Settle down guys, when you cheat, never get defensive, it makes you look like the losers you are.

    Spilt Milk: See you losers in court.

  3. There are not enough infinite zeroes in the universe to prove any probability or even possibility of anything but absolute and total voter suppression and outright theft and fraud in their evil attempt to win the presiduncy for Biden. This time they went way too far in proving how corrupt and evil that they really are in their attempt to blatantly, in your face, outright attempt to steal the election from Trump. Power corrupts and absolute power which is their ultimate desire corrupts absolutely. God will not be mocked and the democraps will be held accountable for their evil actions to steal this election from Trump and 70 million good American people who voted for him.


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