Like Michelle, Hillary also knows your shtruggle – IOTW Report

Like Michelle, Hillary also knows your shtruggle

hillary knows your struggle

‘System your husband helped create’!
Hillary’s crusade against ‘systemic racism’ gets reality checked on Twitter.

11 Comments on Like Michelle, Hillary also knows your shtruggle

  1. where is the ‘systemic racism’ in our ‘broken criminal justice…system’ allowing people to flaunt our governmental security laws & set up their own private server to be hacked by foreign nations, without prosecution?

    ….jus’ sayin’

  2. …& how the fuque can there be ‘systemic racism’ in an ‘open borders’ policy?
    ….& haven’t these idiots been the ones in charge of the ‘criminal justice & immigration’ policies for the last 7 years?

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot ?!?!?!

  3. I’m big time into the local crime scene. Hellry is right, our criminal justice system is broken.

    1.) She even telling us it’s broken. I-R-O-N-Y

    2.) I see the same goofs for years on end in print. They never learn until someone gets killed or they nearly beat a 6 month old kid to death, maybe they finally get shot.

  4. I agree with Witchypoo,
    Our systemic racist government is allowing feral blacks to run rampant on the streets and terrorize the citizenry, and the urban elderly live in fear of the “Knockout Game”
    Our systemic racist media promotes feral black culture
    Our systemic racist government is putting the ease and comfort of criminal aliens over the safety of the populous
    Our systemic racist regulatory agencies punish white business owners with onerous regulations that other races are given a pass on.
    Our systemic racist Government allows our borders to be over run by a favored group
    Our Broken Justice system puts dangerous violent criminal aliens back out on the street to commit more crimes
    Our Broken Justice system will not punish Federal excess and dereliction of duty including not enforcing existing law
    Our Broken Justice system allows a Federal agency to violate the laws and violate the rights of property owners
    I could go on and on, but agreeing with Witchypoo does not agree with me.

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